For calculating the total tax of all the property you posses you need Tax Worksheet 2012 Excel Sheet. It is multiple Worksheet containing the detail of all the property you posses whether it is about your Business Expense, Home Equipment and Appliances, Rental Properties, Business Shares, Stocks, etc it can easily calculate the tax. This sheet can calculate the total payable tax in terms of the incomes from these resources and gives you an image of the total money payable. Given Sheet is one of the total five sheets. Tax Worksheet...
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Project Overview Sample
For planning an Essay, Business Project, Doing some Science Research, Conducting some Experiment, Doing Business planning or Managing some Task you need a Project Overview Sample Excel Sheet. It provides you with an opportunity to do a detail overview of your project before making things final. The given format is very simple and easy to understand so you can easily fill every step of your project easily. The given categories help you in writing a detail of your project prior to its finalization. Project Overview Sample can...
Medical Mileage 2012
Medical Mileage 2012 Excel Sheet is used for the reimbursement of the medical mileage. It contains the detail of the traveling made for medical purposes. It calculates the total medical mileage for a period of time and then sums them up. It keeps the information of the Date, Name of Doctor, Physical Therapist, Hospital, Drug Store, Miles Traveled, etc. It can also be used for claiming the medical expenses made during any emergency etc. This Mileage can be downloaded in Excel, PDFs and JPEG formats for free...
Used Car Purchase Order
Used Car purchase orders are normally used in everyday life. It is basically a sort of receipt which contains the detail of the purchase. Used Car Purchase Order Excel Sheet is a simple and precise Purchase order which contains the detail of the buyer like His Name and Signatures and also the detail of the Seller. It also contains the detail of the vehicle being sold. It is normally used at second hand Car Sales centers. It is a very useful piece of paper as it also serves as a sort of proof of the sale and can be used in any sort of problems...
Monday, March 26, 2012
Single Day Cash out
Cash out means to convert some insurance policy or savings account into money. Single Day Cash out Excel Sheet is a very good Cash out Template as you can put all the data about your Insurance policy or Savings account here and you can calculate the amount you will get as cash. You can also maintain a detail of the employees and clients. Single Day Cash out can be freely downloaded from here in Excel, PDFs and JPEG format...
Fuel Consumption Calculator
For the people who own a private car, this template is very helpful for them in the sense that it makes them able to calculate the total expense of their traveling. Whether it is the expense of normal usage or it is some special event like trip, picnic or from one city to another travel Fuel Consumption Calculator Excel Sheet helps you in calculating the total expense of your traveling. Here you have to write down the Fueling Date, Refueling Date, Odometer Reading, Driven Distance, Volume Gallon, Gallon Price, Cost per Tank, Usage MPG, Usage...
Data Summary Statistics
Data Summary Statistics Excel Sheet can give you the summary of the data entered in terms of the Sample Size, Average, Mode, Slandered Deviation, Skew, Minimum Deviation, 1st Quartile, Median, Maximum, etc. You can find all these data by just putting the given numbers in the given yellow column. This basically provides a descriptive statistics for data entered and also it summarizes its distribution. It can be downloaded in Excel, PDFs and JPEG formats for free...
Custom Duty and Purchase Calculator
This Custom Duty and Purchase Calculator is manually made with the help of the data collected from daily export businesses and especially Indian market. Custom Duty and Purchase Calculator Excel Sheet is ideal for the people working in India because it will make them understand the custom structure and business expenses in India. The calculations here are done in both US D and Indian Rupee so it is helpful for both local and international businessmen. You can download Custom Duty and Purchase Calculator in Excel,...
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Free Health Tracker
Everyone want to live healthy and happy life and mostly people do a lot of thing for insuring such a lifestyle. One of the most important things for living a healthy life is to keep track of everything you do. You have to keep a track of the food you eat, sleep you take, exercise you do, etc. Free Health Tracker Excel Sheet can be called as an all in one Health Tracker because it can be used as a weight lose tracker, Food tracker, Daily dairy, BMI calculator, Weight tracker, Hydration Schedule, Health Risk Tracker, etc. Everything...
Weekly Spending Budget
To keep a track of the money you spend weekly you have to make a Weekly Spending Budget. Weekly Spending Budget Excel Sheet is a very good Budget Tracker as you can easily write about the places where you spend the money. Here you can write down the Starting week, Checking balance, Savings Balance, Saved Money, Allowances, etc. Income has been split up and also the expenses are given in different categories. This thing helps in calculating the exact amount which you are spending daily. You just need to write down the amount being spent...
Website Traffic Statistics
Web Owners and Bloggers are always looking for something which can keep a track of the traffic on their website or blog. Most of the time they use a Website Traffic Statistics. It is self made Traffic Statistic Sheet so you can edit it and use it in the way you want. Website Traffic Statistics Excel Sheet saves the record of traffic on your website on monthly basis and you can get a graph of it also. Here you can note down the total visitors for the month, Average visitors per day, Total Page Views, etc. These information help...
Student Progress Monitoring
The progress of every student in both curricular and co-curricular activities has to be watched out. By keeping an eye on the progress of the student you can easily get an insight in his abilities and his things of interest. In this way you can easily guide him about his future. Student Progress Monitoring Excel Sheet is a good tool for looking the progress of a student and his goals. Here you can note down the score of student in different subjects and in this way you can work out his fields of interests. Manual of this Progress...
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Hotel Cash Flow Report
Hoteling is one the most profitable businesses but to be a good hotelier you have to manage everything in a good way. You also have to keep an eye on everything of the hotel. Hotel Cash Flow Report Excel Sheet can aptly be called as a good Cash Flow Report because it has got every detail of a cash flow report. Here you can write down the Daily Room Sales, Expenses, Restaurants Sales, Total Payments made, Means of payment, Occupancy Detail, Remarks, etc. This Report can be downloaded in a JPEG, Excel and PDFs for fre...
Bowling Score Record Book
One of the most loved games of youth is Bowling. Mostly friends go together to play this game in some Sports or Bowling Club. The scoring system of Bowling is a bit different than the rest of the other indoor games. Bowling Score Record Book Excel Sheet is used to keep a detail of your performance in every game. Here you can see that the number of Weeks and Dates have been given along with the Individual score of games and Series. It also calculates the averages of the current games and also the averages of all the games played. These two...
Tournament Bridge 2012
Tournaments are organized everywhere for every game. These tournaments provide an ideal opportunity for both professionals and amateurs for improving their skills. Tournament Bridge 2012 Excel Sheet is a template for making a Tournament plan. It is very good in the sense that it has been designed in the bridge format. Here you can see that each match of the tournament is already scheduled and every team can easily predict about its coming fixtures by looking at this Bridge Plan. Tournament...
Sales Report
Sales Report Excel Sheet is a very good Report as it gives you a detail of your Sales for a whole month. Here you can see that a number of things have been given about the selling place and the detail of the item sold. You can note down the detail of the items sold, like their Model, Date of Sale, Shopper, Any feedback from the Customer, etc. It basically gives you an insight into your business that whether you are going in the right direction or not. You can download this Report in Excel, JPEG and PDFs formats for free...
Friday, March 23, 2012
Diabetes Insulin Pump Log
Diabetes patients have to keep on tracking their blood sugar level. It means they have to keep a continuous track of their blood components. Diabetes Insulin Pump Log Excel Sheet is a good sheet to keep a look at your Diabetes level and to schedule the Insulin Pump accordingly. Here you can note down the Date, Glucose level, Total CHO, Meals Bolus, Correction Bolus, Basal Rate, Notes and timely change in the level of these compounds as an effect of the meal taken. You can keep a record of all these components...
Weekly Meal Plan
Food is the most important part of our daily life. A healthy diet makes your life good so you have to make a plan for a healthy diet. The diet should contain a variety of items like Fruits, Vegetable, Dairy Products, Fish, Meat, Eggs, etc. Weekly Meal Plan Excel Sheet is a good template to make a plan for your daily diet. You can add a number or things in your diet and you should try to add variety of things in it. Here you can note down the type of food you are taking daily. This Template can be downloaded in Excel, PDFs and JPEG formats...
Softball Scoring Sheet
An ideal sheet for keeping a record of full Softball scores for a whole tournament or event. Softball Scoring Sheet Excel Sheet can be used to keep the record of full score, fixtures, individual scores, Match Results, Man of Match, etc. All these information are most useful as far as the game is concerned. This is the first sheet of the full template. The original Template contains total of fourteen sheets and you just have to put the data in those sheets and get the result in the main sheet. Softball Scoring Sheet can be downloaded free in JPEG,...
Event Shift Schedule
Events are organized generally everywhere and it is very important as far as the outcomes are concerned. But sometimes due to some reasons you have to change the time and date of planned events. Event Shift Schedule Excel Sheet is used to change or shift the event date, time or venue. It is very helpful as it contains the full information of all the events for the week. You have been given space for writing the name, date and time of event. Event Shift Schedule can be downloaded in Excel, PDFs and JPEG form...
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Weekly Food Orders
This is the era of wireless communication and nowadays every thing is just a click away. Whether it is about a big construction company or a small food shop every place has been computerized. Weekly Food Orders Excel Sheet is a list containing the details of Food Orders. This is a good Food Order Template because it is very simple and easy to use. It can be used as an online Food Order Form. You can note down the Orders for every thing listed and also you can add more items as per requirement. This helps you in making preparation for...
Hotel Sales Report 2012
While making a booking for a room in a hotel a number of things have to be kept in mind, these things include the complete information of the customer. Hotel Sales Report 2012 Excel Sheet contains the full detail of a Hotel Booking and the Sales made. Here you have been given the important and generally used sections like Date, HV number, Name, PAX, Plan, Receipt, Balance, Remarks, etc. These information help you in judging the performance of your Hotel for a period of one year. It contains all the details of the amount collected as...
Weight Loss Chart
One of the biggest problem of the current century is Obesity. Most of the people are suffering form weight problems. There are a lot of different techniques for getting rid of this problem and one of them is by doing regular exercise. Weight Loss Chart Excel Sheet keeps a track of your weight on daily basis. You can keep on checking your weight loss and the effect of exercise on your body mass. It helps you in deciding the type of exercise and also it is an indicator for you to increase or decrease the time period of exercise. You can download...
Food Costing Calculator
In Big Restaurants and Hotels every thing has to be kept in account and when it comes to food every detail has to be noted down. Food Costing Calculator Excel Sheet is a good sheet for calculating the cost of any sort of food being cooked. Here you can note down the Recipe Number, Group of Dish, Name of Dish, Ingredients, Cost, Method of Preparation, Seasoning, Labor Cost, Overhead Cost, Service Charges, Sales Cost, etc. All these things helps in getting a sharp image of the cost of the food. By calculating the cost of food...
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Full Basketball Team Stats
Basketball is a game of passion and zest. People love this game because this game is a Fast, Aggressive,Time saving, etc. Most Basketball Fans are interested in collecting and saving data of their favorite teams or clubs and wants always to be up to date about their favorite team whether it is about the players, matches, results, fixtures, players profile, etc. Full Basketball Team Stats Excel Sheet is a unique tool for all Basketball fans because here you can put down all the details of your favorite team. This Template can...
Grading Rubric Template
For grading students on the basis of their overall performance in the classroom and outdoor activities a Normal Grading Sheet is used but for grading students on the basis of their covers you need a Grading Rubric Template Excel Sheet. It is a simple and useful Grading Sheet. It contains grading information of more than 20 students. On the first page you just need to put the names of the students and fill the concerned sheets of each students and you will get the Grading for all the students on the first page. This is helpful in...
Polyphasic Sleep Schedule
A good sleep is very important for living a healthy life. Every one should keep a track of the sleeping time so that he can keep a track of whether he is sleep time is normal or not. Polyphasic Sleep Schedule Excel Sheet is a very good Sleep Scheduler. Here you can keep on tracking the number of hours you sleep daily. You have been provided with separate sheets for each month. This helps in keep on tracking the sleeping time for the whole year and see whether you are having some fluctuations with the sleeping time. You can download this Sleep Scheduler in...
Force and Acceleration Calculator
Solving physics numerical is normally a difficult job for most of the students. Force and Acceleration Calculator Excel Sheet helps students in solving their physics numerical concerned with force and acceleration. Here you can write down the observed time periods, Distance, Mass and Force and this calculator will find out the average time along with the acceleration. The units used are standard units of SI system i.e MKS but you can change it to your required ones. You can also get the graphical presentation of the deviation of...
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Assistant's Daily Work Plan
Planning is the most important thing to be successful in any field of life. Whether it is about your Future, Business, Daily Routine, Meetings, Education, Marriage, etc you need to plan. Assistant's Daily Work Plan Excel Sheet is a good template for Working assistants as it helps to manage their daily work plan. Being an assistant is a very tough job because you are the person who is managing everything of your boss. You have to attend the calls, arrange meetings, take files, manage his daily routine and a lot of other stuffs...
The Bicycle AB Workout
Exercise and practice is very necessary for getting progress and perfection in any field. The Bicycle AB Workout helps you in designing a work plan for practicing your bicycling. Here you can keep a track of the Date, Route, Distance, Time, Average speed, Rating, Temperature, Weather Condition, Name of Partner(if any), Any important notes, etc. All these things help you out in making an ideal Workout for Bicycling. You can download this Workout sheet in Excel, PDFs and JPEG formats...
Site Audit Form
Buildings and constructions are one of the most difficult and sensitive jobs of all. Theses are sensitive in the sense that you have to keep in mind every aspect of the Project because if something goes wrong it can claim human lives. Site Audit Form Excel Sheet is an audit form for inspection of a building or any other construction site before and during its construction. Here you have been given a number of categories and each category is unique for its content. Categories include here are Engineer To Do, Office To Do, To Quote, Observations...
My Training Log
To live a happy and healthy life exercise is very necessary. Exercises can be of different types like running, hiking, mountaineering, tracking etc. These all are healthy sports. My Training Log Excel Sheet can be called as an exercise sheet also because it contains the details of your exercises. It is generally used for training people of all ages. It is a full package containing separate sheets for every month and also it contains the detail of your weight and performance by the end of the year. You can download this sheet...
Monday, March 19, 2012
Full Sensitivity Analysis Calculator
For checking the utilization of an item you have to keep on tracking its sales and profits. Full Sensitivity Analysis Calculator Excel Sheet is a good calculator in the sense that you can track the usage of items in terms of days and get the result for its sales and profit made. It also contains the data of the Consultants, Total utilization, Actual days, Income, Cost, Profit, etc. This sheet not only contains this calculator but also you can utilize two other free calculators with this one. The original Sheet contains...
Ideal BMI Calculator Men and Women
Most of the time we are having BMI calculators which have got only three or four sections containing the weight, height, age and sex but Ideal BMI Calculator Men and Women is unique in the sense that it not only contains these information but in addition it contains Chest, Waist, Hips, Thigh, Biceps, Body fat, etc. This helps in a getting a sharp image of your BMI. It is a user friendly Calculator as you just have to put the inputs and get the result in output. This Calculator can be downloaded free in Excel, PDFs and JPEG formats...
Golf Scoring Template
The most loved sport of both young a middle aged people is Golf. It is also called as the Sports of Accuracy. Golf Tournaments are generally organized everywhere around the world and most of the time a Golf Scoring Template Excel Sheet is used for scoring. It is a very good Scoring Sheet as it contains every aspect of the game. Here you can write down the fixtures and the details of the game. You can also write about the prizes for the winner and runner ups. You can keep on giving a copy of this scoring sheet to every player...
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Annual Report 2012
End of a year is always very important as it gives you a summary of your business performance for the whole year. It can be called as a turning point for you and your business because you now see what you did in the last year, which steps were wrong, which things went good, etc. Annual Report 2012 Excel Sheet is a good Report consisting of all the details of your business advancement made throughout the year. Here you have been given a number of aspects of your business and you can make a review of these aspects on yearly...
Car Racing Template
To record the scores of an entire car racing tournament or of a car racing series in one place was not so easy to maintain that's why normally a Car Racing Template is used. Car Racing Template Excel Sheet allows you to record all the scores of the entire series in one place in a well-managed order. Here you can write down the fixtures and also the dates of the fixtures along with the scores of every round. This template contains total of five rounds but you can add more rounds or remove extra rounds according to your requirement. You can also...
Traffic Crash Report
Reports play an important role in improving things. That's why whenever there is some problem a report is written about the sort of problem and the possible reasons of that problem. Traffic Crash Report Excel Sheet is a good Crash Report as it has been designed in such a manner that you can easily put on the detail of the crash without much effort. It is basically for software and applications and you can write down the type of problem you are facing and submit it. It helps in a better understanding of the related problem and also...
Food Safety Manager
Food is the most important part of a person's daily routine. Safe and healthy food is the key for living a healthy life. Food Safety Manager Excel Sheet is used widely for managing food safety. Here you can manage a data of all types of food you are using and the ideal temperatures for their safe storage. You can also keep a record of the type of food you are having and the normal temperature ranges for their safety. It helps you to manage everything in record and also helps for keeping the health level of food. You can...
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Project Progress Tracker
Every project has to be monitored and fully tracked. Project Progress Tracker Excel Sheet is specially designed for tracking the progress of your project. It helps in keeping all the things at a place like you can write Name of Project, Current stage, Task to complete, Scheduled time, Time spent till now, etc. These points helps you in understanding the progress speed, completed tasks, stages left, any bugs in the previous stages, planning for coming stages, things to remember, scheduling of coming stages, etc. You can download Project...
Point Sheet
One of the widely used sheets is a Point Sheet. It is an excel sheet which is used for setting some point and then working for it. You can write about the result of your point by scoring it. Point Sheet Excel Sheet is a very good Point Sheet because it contains the most important things which a Point Sheet should have. You can note down the Points earned, Expected Points, Date, Percentage, etc. This is the first sheet, you have got a series of sheets for all the months of a year. You can download this Point Sheet in PDFs,...
Pool Scoring Template
While organizing some tournament or championship of some sports you have to design a well planned scoring system. This will help you in keeping all the things together at one place and it will also be helpful in the sense that it will save a lot of your time and energy. Pool Scoring Excel Template is a very good Scoring Template for every kind of Pool game. Here you can manage the list of all the players and the detail of their matches. It helps in managing every detail of the Pool match on a single sheet. Throughout the Pool tournament...
Mind Chart Template
To measure the level of your mind and the effects of your environment and your society on your mind, a "Mind Chart" is used. "Mind Chart Excel Template" contains a list of common mind problems. You can list down your problem and keep of track of it by measuring the effect of the medicines. You can keep a daily track of all the sort of mind disorders. This can also be used by doctors and physicians for keeping an eye on the progress of his patient. Here you can note down the Medication name, Dose per day, Unit/MG and duration for usage. Mind Chart...
Friday, March 16, 2012
SEO Report
Search Engine Optimization or SEO is a process by which you can improve the visibility of your website in the search engines. SEO Report Word Template is a report containing the details of your website visibility in the search engine. This document contains the name of your domain, search keyword, page, position, Change and page URL. You can download this Report in three formats i.e PDFs, Doc and JPEG for free.
Graph Paper Worksheet
Whether you want to keep a track of your business progress or you have to do some trigonometry assignment you need a Graph Paper. Graph Paper Worksheet PDFs Template is a very useful Graph Paper Template. It is easy to use and print. You can use it for any purpose. It is just one step away from you. You can download it in JPEG, PNG and PDFs formats for free...
Attendance Sheet
One of the most important things in a classroom is to maintain the attendance of the students in a well arranged manner. Attendance Sheet Excel Sheet gives you an ideal example of an Attendance Sheet. You can write down the names of each student for every month. It contains 12 sheets for the whole year. You just have to write the names once and it will copy these names to the rest of the sheets. It is very helpful in the sense that it remembers the total attendance for each student on the basis of months and tells you about it at the end...
Expense Report
Whenever you go on an official tour or trip you have to make an Expense Report. This document contains the list of all the things used during the event along with their prices and expenses. Expense Report Excel Sheet is an example of an Expense Report. It is the original format of this report. Here you are given with a sample Expense Report for an official tour. You can write down the names of the persons included in the tour. You can also write the date, time, description of expense, cost and Bank account...
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Bill Tracker
To keep a track of monthly bills a Bill Tracker is used. It is an Excel sheet containing the detail of all the Bills for the month. You can write the details of bill from Insurance payments to Phone bills. Bill Tracker Excel Sheet serves you by keeping a track of your monthly bills. It is an ideal Bill Tracker in the sense that it keeps the full record of all the Bills paid and to be paid on the basis of months. You can also note down about the extra expenses if any. This Bill Tracker is free to use and you can download it...
CGPA Calculator
Colleges and Universities have got a GPA system for calculating the result of a student. CGPA Calculator Excel Sheet helps both teachers and students to workout their CGPA. It is helpful in the way that you just have to put the GPA for each semester and it will calculate the CGPA. You can write your score subject vice and also you can write about the credit hours for each subject. In this way it is very easy to get your CGPA. CGPA Calculator can download this Calculator in Excel, PDFs and JPEG formats for free...
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Baseball Box Score
Baseball Box Score Excel Sheet allows you to note down the scores of a baseball match. You can use it for either a live match or for noting down the score of your favorite team while watching it on TV. It is great fun to write the scores of your favorite players and your team. It is very easy to fill and you have got separate spaces for everything. You can note down separate scores for each half and this sheet will automatically generate the total scores of both the teams. Baseball Box Score can be downloaded in JPEG, PDFs and Excel...
Sales Tracker Template
To progress in any sort of business or job you have to keep a track of everything related to your business. Whether it is about the sales and purchases or profit or loss, you must keep a track of it. For the time being it won't be so useful but in the long run it is surely a very useful thing. Sales Tracker Excel Sheet helps you in keeping a track of your sales. Here you can write down the date, Account #, Sale, Upgrade, etc. You can download "Sales Tracker Template" in PDFs, JPEG and Excel...
Self Accounting Template
Self accounting means to keep a track of yourself. It means to keep an eye on what are you doing daily and where are you spending your money and energy. "Self Accounting Template Excel Sheet" helps you in keeping a track of your money. You can write down the money you spend in different categories like Meal, Fares, Shopping, Other expenses, etc. You can note down the full expenses for the whole week and then you will get the full expenses at the end of the weak. It is designed in such a way that you just need to put the expenses and the total...
Meeting Report
Nobody can deny the importance of meetings as they provide you with an opportunity to discuss the progress and current situation of your business. Meeting Report is document containing a detail of the things discussed in a meeting and also the outcomes and result of the meeting. Meeting Report Word Template is a good Meeting Report as it contains all the important things which a good meeting report should have. It contains the details of the meeting like the Chapter, President, Prospective Members, Business Category, Next...
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Diffusion Lab Report
Lab reports are very important as far as learning the practical things are concerned. These labs play an important role in developing students learning skills. Diffusion Lab Report Word Template is a very useful lab report for Biology and Medical students. It contains all the practical aspects of Diffusion with a number of practical examples. It also contains the method of performing the practical along with the required apparatus. Definition of all the concerned terms and their practical usability also forms a part of this lab report. You can...
Scrum Backlog
Scrum is one of the best ways of software development. While developing a software using the scrum method you have to make a Scrum Backlog. It contains the full information of the progress of all the sprints. Scrum Backlog Excel Sheet is an ideal Template for making a scrum backlog. It also contains Burn down and Burn up charts. These charts are automatically generated, you just have to fill out the Scrum Backlog and the rest things will be done by its own. Scrum backlog can be downloaded in Excel, PDFs and JPEG formats...
Patient Assessment
In big hospitals and health care centers it is a bit difficult to keep the data of all the patients in one place. Patient Assessment Excel Sheet is a very good document for doing a patient assessment. It is a simple Excel sheet but it is widely used for making patient assessment. Here you can write down the Date, Age and Sex of patient, Chief complaint, Preceptor signature, EMT-P#, etc. These information help in a quick assessment of the patient and ultimately helps in the timely diagnosis of the patient. You can download this useful Assessment...
My Full Fitness Plan
The ideal way to live a fit and healthy life is by doing exercise. By following a routine for daily exercise you can easily keep yourself away from a lot of diseases. "My Full Fitness Plan Excel Sheet" is a very good Exercise Planning log as it keeps a track of your daily routine exercises. Here you have been given exercises on the base of your level. The level is basically a measure of your ability to do exercise. You can note down the type of exercise and the day also. This helps you in making your routine more easy and more useful. Instructions...
Monday, March 12, 2012
Budget Calculator 2012
Before making a budget you have to calculate all your expenses and make an estimate of everything you want to include in the budget. "Budget Calculator 2012 Excel Sheet" helps you in calculating your budget. Here you have been given a number of sections and each section contains a list of items which are included in the budget. Here you just have to edit the sections and write the desired names. When you will put the expense of each item with its name the calculator will automatically generate the total estimated budget. You can get this useful...
User Stories
Before developing a new software or application the most important thing is to get the information from the users that what kind of thing they actually need. These stories are called as User stories. User Stories Excel Sheet is an ideal way to collect the user stories. It gives you a good idea to collect the data from the user. This data basically comprises of the user requirements i.e what the user wants from the software of the application. It is the most important thing for the success of your application or software. You can get...
Marketing Budget Planner 2012
Marketing means to promote your business or product. It is the most important part of a business and it helps in the progress of your business. But the most important thing for marketing is the Planning about the budget. Marketing Budget Planner 2012 Excel Sheet is very helpful Budget planner. It contains all the important parts things which a good budget planner should have. You can plan and estimate about the marketing expenses and the budget required for your Business Marketing. You can estimate about the budget on monthly basis. You have...
Blood Sugar Log
A very useful gift for diabetics. Blood Sugar Log Excel Sheet can be used for diabetics to keep a record of their blood sugar level. Here you can note down the sugar level after each meal. You can write down the blood sugar readings before and after the meal. This Log will automatically calculate the average of the sugar level for the whole level and also it will calculate the low and high sugar level. This is a very helpful tool because it will assist your doctor to keep a look at your sugar level. You can download this useful...
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Home Expense Calculator
When a number of people live in a home they have to share their expenses. "Home Expense Calculator Excel Template" helps you in working out the total expense and individual expenses per person for each month. It is very useful as you just have to write down the expense and the number of persons sharing it. This Calculator will automatically generate the expense per person and in this way it will be very easy to find payable amount for each person. You can also note down the record of the amount paid by each person and the amount payable....
Student Grade sheet Calculator
Keeping the performance and record of the tests and quizzes of a big class is never easy to manage. That's why a Student Grade sheet Calculator is used. It helps in managing the full detail of every student in terms of his performance in quizzes, assignments and tests. You have been provided separate sheets for each month. "Student Grade sheet Calculator" helps in keeping a record of each student for every month. Here everything has been programmed and you just need to put the score of every student in the respective blanks and get the...
Medication Record
To keep a track of your health history you should maintain a Medication Record. This will help you in case of any emergency or any other critical situation. Medication Record Excel Template helps you in keeping a record of all your previous medication history. This document contains a list of all the medication used during one time or another. You can download Medication Record in PDFs, Excel and JPEG formats for free...
Holiday Planner 2012
Holidays are called maritime so you should enjoy it fully. For enjoying holidays you must do planning for it and that's why people use a Holiday Planner. Holiday Planner 2012 Excel Template is an ideal holiday planner. You can plan about your holidays from the beginning of the year. This will help you in making all the necessary arrangements well in time. Also you can keep on adding new things to your holiday plan. It makes your holiday more beautiful and more memorable. Holiday Planner 2012 is available in three formats i.e Excel, PDFs...
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Trip Planner
Before leaving for a trip you must do all the preparations for it. Trip Planner Excel Sheet is used for making a trip plan. Here you can write full detail of your trip. You can write about your full trip plan and things to do during your trip. Here you are given a sample of how to plan your trip. You can write the detail of your plan along with the dates. This help you in making a detail plan of everything to do during the trip even in term of hours. It is a very good Trip planner as it makes you able to have a good planning of all the things...
Walking Log Calculator
Exercise is a good hobby and an important thing for living a happy and healthy life. Walking is one of the most healthy exercises. Morning and evening walks are loved by most people and it is a very healthy activity. Walking Log Calculator Excel Sheet is a very ideal gift for walk lovers. You can keep a record of your walking history here. You can add the Date, Region, Area, Duration, Distance, Weather Condition, Objective, Route Description, Group Size, Overnight, Lead Time, etc. You can download this Calculator in Excel, PDFs and JPEG...
Trip Expense Calculator
While going for a trip you have to make all the calculations prior to your departure. This helps in getting a sketch of the total expense and the areas of expense for the trip. Trip Expense Calculator Excel Sheet is an ideal calculator for working out the expenses of a trip. It can be used as a currency converter also you just have to put the local currency and then get the output in USD. You can put the rate of each item and then get the total cost of the item. In this way you can get a total expense of everything included in your trip....
Wedding Vendor Tracker
Weddings are one of the most happy and memorable times of life so this day has to be very beautiful and perfect. For making this day more colorful and more memorable you have to do all the arrangements well in time. Wedding Vendor Tracker Excel Sheet can be called as an ideal tool for keeping the full record of everything which has been bought or has to be bought for the wedding. It contains list of items in different categories. These categories Clothing, Reception, Beauty, Stationary, Photography, Flowers, Music, Transportation, Gifts, Rehearsal Dinner,...
Friday, March 9, 2012
Power Of Attorney
Attorney is basically a person, most commonly a qualified lawyer, who is appointed at the place of some other person to look after his legal matters including his business, property, housing, sales, etc. Power Of Attorney Word Template is an example of Power of attorney. Here you can get an idea of how a "Power of Attorney" is written. It consists of a number of points and each point is explained briefly here. It is just an example so before using it you must take into account the legal rules and laws of your country because we don't take...
Income Tax Worksheet
Income tax is one of the most widely used terms. It is basically an amount of money which has to be given to the government for its proper functioning. Income Tax Worksheet Excel Template gives you a sample of this worksheet. You can easily manage the data and record of the income tax paid each month. Here everything has been programmed so you just have to put the figures and get the answer. You have got space for writing the Month, Gross Salary, Tax, Net Salary, Name of all taxes and the amount paid. You can aviail this Worksheet in three...
Client Profile Form
While hiring people for your company or job you must take a detail information from them and save that information in a well managed form so that it could be used in time of need. Client Profile Form Excel Template is a multi-purpose form. You can have a detailed information of every one you are hiring. You can also use it for security purposes. So it serves you in many ways. Some basic information which are included here are Address, State, Email, Age, Permanent Address, Current Address, Family Information, Previous Employment Record,...
Free Sales Tracking Spreadsheet
To make progress in a business you have to keep a track of every investment and everything you are putting in. This keeps you aware of the current position of the business along with you get an insight of the output. Free Sales Tracking Spreadsheet Excel Template serves as an ideal tool to keep a track of your sales. Here you can put the detail of your sales. You can write the Name of Client, Contact Detail, Initial Assessment, Assessment date, Forecasting, Locking Mechanism, etc. This template can be downloaded in Excel, PDFs...
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Orientation Evaluation Form
Orientation Forms are used to find the relative position of a person or party with another person or party in a judicial case. This form is very important as it tells you about your position in the case. You can discuss the case in every aspect and it gives you a good insight into your case. Orientation Evaluation Form Word Template provides you with an ideal tool to find your position in a case. Here we have tried to discuss every aspect of a legal case. You have been given categories and each category has got questions which...
Enterprise Risk Management
Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) differs from most other financial management disciplines in CFFM in that it operates as a largely autonomous unit with a brief to provide independent advice to management on the department’s risk environment. To maintain this autonomy, Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) units normally fall within the sphere of the department’s Accounting Officer rather than reporting to the Chief Financial Officer. Enterprise Risk Management Word Template gives a full detail of how to write a good ERM for your business. It can...
Rental Receipt
Receipts are widely used for services and rental objects. Rental Receipt Word Template is used as a receipt for a land or property rent receipt. Here you have got full information of the Rent. You can write Suite/Property Address, Received From, Description, Owed, Received, Rent, Total, Balance Outstanding, Total, Email, Phone, Contact details, Detail of the Rent, etc. All these things are combined to make this Rental Receipt. This receipt can be downloaded in Doc, PDFs and JPEG formats...
Petition Letter
Petition is a formal letter typically signed by a number of people appealing for a cause. Petition Letter Word Template is an ideal petition letter. Here you have got spaces for writing Petition Summary and Background, Action Petitioned for, Printed name, Signature, Comment, Address, Date, etc. It can be used for making a demand or you can demand for a judicial action by using this letter. You can download it in Doc, PDFs and JPEG format. ...
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Sales Commission Agreement
Agreements or Contracts are the most commonly used terms in Business and Money world. When it comes to Sales and Purchase this agreement is made between the Company and the Sales Representative. Sales Commission Agreement Word Template is widely used for making a contract between these two parties. It is a detailed Agreement as every aspect of the business has been covered here but still you can add or remove things from here. You just have to write your name and the name of the Sales representative while the rest is already...
Insurance Termination Letter
Letter of termination is a formal letter saying that you don't want to continue using a service or Item of some organization. Insurance Termination Letter serves as a way to terminate your insurance policy. The Insurance policy could be of any type. It may be Vehicle Insurance, Life Insurance, Property Insurance, Business Insurance, etc. You can use Insurance Termination Letter Word Template for any of these Insurance policies with slight amendment. Here you have been provided with the most appropriate words for terminating your insurance...
Temporary Guardianship Letter
The authorization letter for keeping a child with you as his guardian is called as a Temporary Guardianship Letter. This letter gives you a legal authority to keep that child for the given period of time. This letter is normally used when the parents are going somewhere and want to leave their child with someone. Temporary Guardianship Letter Word Template is a Template of this letter. Here you have to give the details of the children and the authorization to the Temporary guardian. You have to write the names of the children,...
Divorce Information Sheet
Prior to getting a divorce you have to get a Divorce Information Sheet. Divorce Information Sheet Word Template is basically a sheet containing full information of the divorcing couples. It contains the Name of Petitioner, Spouse Name and Information, Detail Of the expenses, Names of Children, etc. It is helpful in the sense that it keeps all these information and at the time of divorce everything is resolved so that there won't be any thing left for further discussion. You can have three formats of this Information Sheet i.e Word(DOC),...
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Website Design Agreement
Contracts are very important as they form the basis of an agreement between two parties. Website Design Agreement is a contract between the web designer and the client. It includes every detail about the website.
Website Design Agreement Word Template is one of its kind. It is a complete Web Design Agreement. Everything here is in detail and every little aspect of the agreement has been covered. Here you have to write the full information of the Developer and the Client/Customer. After this you have to write the full...
Incident Reporting Form
Reports plays an important role in improving things that's why whenever some odd thing happens a report is written. Incident Reporting Form Word Template is an ideal incident report. Here you have to write the name of the incident at the top of the page, Date of Report, Time of Report, Date of incident, Time of Incident, Location of incident, Staff Person Making Report, RA Staff Present, Professional Stuff, Public Safety, General Nature Incident, Summary of Incident, Person involved in the Incident, Detailed Explanation...
Photographers Copyright Form
Everyone should be rewarded for his own work and to stop other person from benefiting from your work you have to copyright your product. Photographers Copyright Form Word Template is used for copyrighting your personal photographs. This is an ideal form for copyrighting because it is according to the general format used widely around the globe. Here you have to write the name of Photographer, Client Name, Undertaking, Reason of copyright, Signatures of Both Photographer and Client and Date. This helps in preserving your...
Student Daily Report
To keep a track of the students performance and his routine a Student Daily Report Word Template is used. It is a documents that keeps the full information about the daily routine of the student. Here you can write the detail of the student's performance in all the activities of the day. This gives you a sketch of the students abilities and his overall performance in the class. It is useful for both teachers and parents because it tells them about the weak and strong areas of the student. This is very helpful in determining...
Monday, March 5, 2012
Student Observation Sheet
To check the overall performance of a student in academics and co-curricular activities generally a Student Observation Sheet is used. It is a detailed document containing all the information of the student subject vice. Here the relevant teachers write their comments about the student's performance in different spheres. A number of questions have been asked and the overall performance of the student is judged by the answers of these questions. The teacher has to give his full Observation regarding these points. It is very important...
Community Activity Sheet
Community Activities plays an important role in building a sense of sacrifice and humanity. In most of the colleges and universities these are a part of the regular curriculum so they play an important role in both your academics and non-academics. Community Activity Sheet Word Template is a good template for writing the detail of your community activities. Here you can write student's first and last name, community activities, frequency accomplishments, dates of the activity, etc. This Community Activity Sheet is a...
Oral Presentation Rubric 2012
Oral Presentations are an important part of the personality development. It helps in building up your confidence and polishing your speaking skills. Oral Presentation Rubric 2012 Word Template is an ideal Sample for preparing an Oral Presentation. It has got all the important aspects of an Oral Presentation and it gives you full information regarding the points included in it. Here you have got a number of categories and each Category is covering one aspect of it. The Categories here includes Language Use and...
Goal Setting Worksheet
Setting goals and aiming for something is the most important thing for success in life. Aims and Goals basically gives you a reason to live life that's why you have to aim for something. But before setting your goals you should consult with your teachers and parents about the plan so that you could give you full guidance. Goal Setting Worksheet Word Template is widely used for planning about the future of a student. Here you can write the full detail of the student like his Name, Grade, School, Teacher Name, Characteristics, Learning Styles,...
Sunday, March 4, 2012
School Survey Sheet
Surveys play an important role in understanding the progress and success of anything. That's why whenever some company or organization wants to get a public opinion about a thing they do surveys. Schools are cradle of knowledge for students of any age and sex that's why it has to maintain a high standard. School Survey Sheet Word Template aims at making a survey of schools. Here you have been given a number of categories along-with enough blank spaces to make comments. You have to write the Name of the school and Name of the surveying...
Babysitting Form Template
Babysitting is a job of great responsibility and that's why before and after hiring some babysitter you have to be very clear and specific regarding the duties of the babysitter. The babysitter also needs to get all the information in clear terms so that there wouldn't be any chance of mistake. Babysitting Form Template Word Template is an ideal Form in the sense that it is filled by both the parents and the babysitter. It contains all the information about the routine of the baby, the type of feedings, any sort...
Makeup Bridal Contract
Wedding is the most beautiful ceremony in lifetime and that's why a lot preparation and planning has to be done for this memorable day. The girl side normally do more arrangements than the boys side especially the Bride has to do a lot of preparation. Makeup Bridal Contract is a contract by the Makeup Salon. This contract contains the detail of the makeup for the bride in addition to other attendants. Most of the Wedding families prefer this Bridal Contract because it is very easy and reliable because on the...
Client Intake Form
To keep a record of the clients you need something which could keep all the information safely at a place. Client Intake Form Word Template aims at keeping all the important information of the clients. It keeps important information like Name, Address, Phone Numbers, Date of Birth, Social Security Number, Driving Licence Number, Alien Number, Email, etc. Also it keeps all these data at a place. Also it is used for dealing with appointments, like you can write the detail of the the person. This helps you in keeping all the information...
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Learning Log Record
Learning is a process of evolution because it gets better with time. Student age is the best time for learning things so during this age a lot of things are done to improve ones learning skills. Learning Log Record Word Template is one of them. It can be called as a log, document or list. It contains the record of responses of the student to the learning works given by their teachers. It is basically meant to improve the learning and thinking skills of students. Students can see their performance by comparing their Learning...
Daily Monitor Paper
Everyday you do a lot of things e.g shopping, visiting some place, meeting friends, reading some book, watching some news, learning something new, making new friend, talk with your family, etc. These things are normal and seem very ordinary due to our daily routine but these play an important role in our lives. That's why you need a Daily Monitor Paper Word Template to keep a track of all these activities. This helps you in determining your personality and your behavior. It is also helpful in the sense that it keeps a detail...
Network Permissions Request Form
Networking is one of the most widely used phenomenon these days. While making a network you have to distribute the accesses also. It means that you have to restrict each user with certain permissions that will tell what are the limits for each user. Network Permissions Request Form Word Template is a form which contains a detail of the list of users and their restraints. It is basically for an Organization in which a number of departments are working and each department has got specified access to network like here the IT department...
Business Model Template
Companies and Organizations mostly work on the principals and rules set in its Business Plan. These set of rules and goals set in the Business plan are very important as far as the progress of the company is concerned. That's why to make your company a progressive and famous you have to be very careful while making the business plan. Business Model Word Template basically helps you in making your Business Plan. It can be called as a Guiding Plan because it provides a detailed outline of the Business...
Friday, March 2, 2012
Detailed Teacher Evaluation
Teacher Evaluation is an important thing to check the performance of a teacher. It is a sort of praise for the hardworking teachers and it is a warning for those who are not doing their work properly. Detailed Teacher Evaluation Word Template is a detailed evaluation sheet for teachers. It is a very detailed and complete Evaluation Template because here every aspect of academics, Personalty, Skills, Dealings, Method of teaching, Oral skills, Inspiration, etc. In short every minute point has been included here and it will give...
Newspaper Format Template
While publishing a newspaper you have to follow a format already set for it. This is very important as far as the publishing is concerned. Newspaper Format Template gives a sample of the real format of a newspaper. It contains the Name of Newspaper, Monogram of Company, Articles Arrangement, etc. It is very useful for general use also. You have been given this Template in three formats. You can download it in PDFs, JPEG and DOC format. In this way you can easily use the required one out of these formats.
Presentation Planning Document
Presentations play an important role in presenting your Presentation Skills. You have to make a detailed plan of the presentation prior to its presentation. The correct planning of the presentation makes it more effective so you have to make a Good Presentation planning before presenting it. Presentation Planning Document gives you a detail information about planning your presentation. This document contains all the aspects of a good presentation. Here we have divided the presentation into its components like Events, Knowledge Issue, Ways...
Basketball Practice Plan
Basketball Practice Planner is basically the proper routine which gives you the desired results.Practice Planner is the most important thing for improving your skills. It basically makes your body work more efficiently. Sports need a lot of practice because you have to make your body use to it but the more important thing is making a routine for practice Basketball Practice Plan Word Template is an ideal Template for doing Basketball practice. It contains a detail of Basketball Skills. This helps you in choosing the type of skill and do practice...
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Research Report Word Template
Researches are the most toughest and most hard tasks of all so while hiring someone for doing Research you have to get a Research Report. This report contains the detail of the person's working skills. Research Report Word Template is designed for assessing the person's working skills and his knowledge about the given Research. This can also be used as a report for the person who is still working. It contains a number of questions related to the Project. These questions are to be marked as 1, 2 or 3. The questions...
Kitchen Task Assessment
While hiring someone for cooking or working in kitchen you have to get an Assessment from the previous place where the person worked. This assessment contains the detail about the skills of the person. This can also be used to evaluate the the performance of a person working. Kitchen Task Assessment Word Template serves you in this regard. Here you have got a number of questions and you have to mark them with 1, 2 or 3. This helps in evaluation of the person. It is very good in the sense that it gives you a clear image of the person's skills...
Injury Treatment Worksheet
Working in groups is always good in anything whether it is a school activity, public service, office work, etc. Injury Treatment Worksheet Word Template gives you a detail of a injuries and their treatments. It contains a list of common injuries which happens while playing sports, doing some activity, etc. It contains a description of every injury, its picture, mechanism and occurrence, symptoms, causes, remedies, proper treatment, drugs required, etc. Injury Treatment Worksheet is an ideal Worksheet because here you can enlist the most occurring...
Self Rating Scale
To keep a look at yourself like what you are doing everyday, how is your behavior with other people, how is your social life, how you treat others, etc you need a Self Rating Scale. It tells you about your personality that how do you look in your own eyes. Self Rating Scale Word Template is generally designed for everyone but specially it is for teenagers. Here you have been asked some questions, which are related to your social and personal life, and you have to answer them accordingly. These questions seem very ordinary but they...
Software Requirement Specification Sample
Before starting the development and designing of a software a document named SRS or Software Requirement Specification is written. This document contains a detail of the requirements and the properties of the software to be developed. It is very important document as it contains all the information of the software and the requirements of the client. Software Requirement Specification Sample Word template contains a detailed explanation of SRS. Here you have been given full guidance about the process of SRS development and everything which has...
Project Management Plan
Management is a vast and important thing in any sort of business, task, project, etc. Project Management Plan Word Template gives you a detail information for managing a project. It is very good in the sense that it is a detailed management plan and here every small point related to your project has been discussed. Also you have been given a lot of categories and every category is further divided into sub-categories. Due to this sub categorization every small point is explained in detail. The categories include Introduction, Purpose, Scope, Project...
Lab Report Template
Practical or Lab work is very important as far as understanding something is concerned. In schools and colleges there are labs where students perform things practically and learn about the natural behaviors of things. In labs students are given a variety of practical things to do and they have to give a report about what they have learnt from it. This report is called as a Lab Report. Lab Report Word Template is a very good template as it covers almost all aspects of a lab work. Here you have been given categories in which...
Circuit Workout Routine
Circuits means a series of exercises you do to keep yourself physically and mentally healthy and normal. Sports are very important for a healthy life and the most important thing is to do them in a proper routine. Circuit Workout Routine Word Template gives you an idea how you can manage your Circuits. It starts from the Basic Circuit for which you have got four parts and each part is very important. Also you can write down the Content of the circuit and notes about the exercises done. The content contains the type of exercises to...
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