Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Sample Business Plan

Well-written business plan plays a vital role for making business a success. If you start without a business plan, you can't achieve the set goals. But still, entrepreneurs, who tend to be people of action, too often start their business venture without preparing a written plan outlining the essence of the business. You should begin by writing down the answer to the very basic question, "What business am I in?" This may sound elementary, but answering this question with thought and consideration will help you focus on the major purpose of the...
Posted on 3:41 AM | Categories:

Friday, November 16, 2012

Patient Registration Form

Patient Registration Form Template helps you in keeping the details of a patient. This form is also used for getting the information from the patient. You can send it to the patient and he/she will send it filled. This can either be filled by hand or electronically. This form can also be uploaded to your website so that the patients can download it from there and send it back to you. Patient Registration Form Template can be downloaded for free in Doc, PDF and JPEG formats. The download links are at the end of the post...
Posted on 1:04 PM | Categories:

Friday, November 9, 2012

Employee Warning Notice

If some employee violates the rules or company policies you need an Employee Warning Notice. This Employee Warning Notice Template helps you in documenting the employee's violation. Here you have got sections for the type of warning, description of infractions, plan of improvement, consequences of further infractions and the acknowledgement of the receipt of warning. All these things are followed by the signatures of the employee and manager. Employee Warning Notice Template is available for download in Doc, PDF and JPEG formats. The download...
Posted on 9:52 AM | Categories:

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Resignation Acceptance Letter

For accepting and acknowledging someone's resignation you need a Resignation Acceptance Letter. This letter helps you in confirming the last work history of the employee and other details of the work. It gives the final employment detail of the person resigned. It also includes the details of the payments made and outstanding, if any. Resignation Acceptance Letter Template is available here for free download in Doc, PDF and JPEG formats. The download links have been given at the end of the pos...
Posted on 9:55 AM | Categories:

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Sales Commission Calculator

One of the most important things when it comes to Sales and Commission is a Sales Commission Calculator. It is used for calculating the total amount of commission gained from sales. Here you just have to enter the percentage and amount of commission and it will calculate the total commission automatically. Sales Commission Calculator Excel Template is available for free download in Excel, PDF and JPEG formats. The download links are given at the end of the pos...

Friday, November 2, 2012

Sample Service Invoice

This Sample Service Invoice Excel Template helps you in making a service invoice for sending to your customers. This design is more accurate in comparison to the previous ones. The format of the invoice is the same but the design is new. You have got enough space for writing the details of the purchases made. Sample Service Invoice Template can be downloaded for free in Doc, PDF and JPEG format. The download links are at the end of the post...
Posted on 7:28 AM | Categories: