Saturday, September 29, 2012

Resignation Letter from Board

For giving resignation from a board of directors you just need a Resignation Letter from Board, it notifies the board about your resignation. This letter also contains well wishes for the board of directors. It also expresses your appreciations for the time of your work with them. Resignation Letter from Board Word Template is available here for free download in Doc, PDF and JPEG formats for free. The download links have been given at the end of the post...
Posted on 2:53 PM | Categories:

Friday, September 28, 2012

Statement Of Account

Statement Of Account Template is a very helpful template for maintaining a running balance due from your clients. Here you have got spaces for entering the charges and credits. After getting these values Statement Of Account Template will automatically calculate the current balance. This statement of account is available here for free to download in Excel, PDF and JPEG formats. The download links have been given at the end of the post...

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Payment Demand Letter

Payment Demand Letter serves as a notification for your customer about the outstanding debts and encloses a copy of their overdue statement. This letter makes a demand for the payment of dues by a mentioned date and if the customers fails to pay it leads to the closure of the account or legal action against him. Here a summary of his dues and the deadline for the payment are mentioned. Payment Demand Letter Word Template is available here in Doc, PDF and JPEG formats. The links have been given at the end of the post...
Posted on 9:40 AM | Categories:

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Personal Financial Statement

For applying to a loan you have to make your own financial statement called as a Personal Financial Statement. It helps you in calculating your net worth and and then presenting it in the form of a statement. Personal Financial Statement Excel Template has been divided into categories and sections like assets and liabilities. You have to put the required information and values and it will calculate the totals. Personal Financial Statement is available for free download here in Excel, PDF and JPEG formats. The links are provided...

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Financial Accounting Book

To keep a detailed information about your financial accounts you just need a Financial Accounting Book Template. It contains information about the amount spent or transferred. It has got information about the date, check number, amount, payee's name and the description about it. Financial Accounting Book Template is very useful as it contains a total of seven sheets and each sheet is unique in terms of its content. This Financial Accounting Book is available here for free download. The download links have been given at the...

Monday, September 24, 2012

Party Planner Template

Party means fun time and when its fun time everything has to be perfect, that's why a Party Planner Template is widely used. It helps you in planning every part of your party. You can make a list of your guest in terms of  adults and children. This thing helps in managing the budget easily. Also you have got a list of items included in the party. Also you can plan about the seating arrangements. It helps you a lot in making every thing in the way you like. This template contains a total of five sheets. The given one is the first sheet...
Posted on 7:50 AM | Categories:

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Student Assignment Planner

Making a good plan is always a key factor for getting the desired results form anything. Student Assignment Planner Excel Template helps students in planning their assignments. It makes them able to make a detailed plan for each of the assignments to be completed. You can mention the name of the assignment and the due date for it. Student Assignment Planner is available here for download in Excel, PDF and JPEG formats. The download links have been given at the end of the post....
Posted on 1:47 PM | Categories:

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Resignation Letter due to lack of growth opportunity

Sometimes resignation is the result of low growth or progress opportunities, in such a condition you use a Resignation Letter due to lack of growth opportunity. This resignation letter contains reasons for your resignation. You can explain about your plans and put your resignation on the table. It will help you in making an easy and straight decision. You can download this template in Doc, PDF and JPEG formats for free. The download links have been given at the end of the post....
Posted on 11:43 AM | Categories:

Friday, September 21, 2012

No Bid Proposal Strategy

A very helpful template for formulating and documenting a no bid strategy is a No Bid Proposal Strategy Excel template. This template is also helpful in the sense that it is helpful in improving the pursuits of new opportunities. It will also make you able to make a well-convinced plan and will trigger a strategy for making the client able to remove the obstacles that prompted no bid consideration. No Bid Proposal Strategy Excel Template can be download in Excel, PDF and JPEG formats for free. The download links have been given...
Posted on 12:38 PM | Categories:

Letter of Support to Local officials

To support the proposals or plans of local officials you send a Letter of Support to them assuring them of your full support. Letter of Support to Local officials Word Template is a normal support letter send from the local community to the local officials showing their support for a plan or proposal. You can personalize it in the way you like. Letter of Support to Local officials can be downloaded in Doc, PDF and JPEG formats for free. The download links have been given at the end of the post....
Posted on 11:52 AM | Categories:

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Project Scope Report

One of the important things while writing a project scope document is to know what to include and what not to include in it. Project Scope Report Word Template contains instructions for writing a good Project Scope Report. The template also includes a matching service proposal and invoices to make it more valuable and unique. Download Project Scope Report from the given links in Word, PDF and JPEG formats for free....
Posted on 4:39 AM | Categories:

Use Case Template

A complete use case description is just a click away from you. Use Case Template contains a detailed and complete use case description. It is useful for managing products and proposals. You can write about the scenario, triggering event, actors, related use cases, pre condition, post condition, flow of events, exceptions, etc. Use Case Template is available here in Word, PDF and JPEG formats. The download links are at the end of the post...
Posted on 4:18 AM | Categories:

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Construction Bid Form

Construction Bid Form helps a contractor in submitting his construction proposal. Construction Bid Form Template contains a detail of all the material and labor associated with the project. It is very easy to use and also you can customize it in the way you like. It contains the owner information, contractor information, scope of work, company proposal and owner acceptance. Construction Bid Form Template is available for free download in Excel, PDF and JPEG formats. The download links have been given at the end of the post....
Posted on 12:36 PM | Categories:

Marketing Plan Presentation

For explaining a marketing plan you have to make a good Marketing Plan Presentation. It includes slides on market summary, competition, summary, packaging, communication, product definition, launch strategies, fulfillment, pricing, distribution, etc. It is very helpful in the sense that it makes you able to convey your marketing plan in an efficient way. It also helps you in identifying the week points of the plan. In short it is a complete presentation for presenting your marketing plan. Marketing Plan Presentation...
Posted on 12:03 PM | Categories: