Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Application For Employment

One of the most important application forms used is the Application For Employment. It is widely used for applying to jobs, posts, services, etc. It gives a detail of the applicant in terms of his Education, Skills, Work experience, etc. It also takes the detail information about the Contact details and everything about the applicant. In short it gives a sketch of the applicant because it is designed in such a way that it covers everything about the applicant whether it is related to his past or present...

Daily Savings Template

Everyone of us wants to have a record of our expenses and savings because in this way we can easily keep an eye on our expenses and we can also save some money in this way. Daily Savings Template helps us in keeping a track of our money. Here you can are given three categories namely Not allocated, Savings balance and Obligations. The first category consists of the money which is surplus and you can spend this money in the way you like. Second category consist of your savings and the last category comprises of the obligations which you...

Team Contact List

While working in a team one of the most important thing is to remain in contact with all team members so that any new thing can be discussed easily and in-case of an emergency all the team members could be called easily. Team Contact List Template basically fulfills this requirement. It is simple contact list in which all the names of group members along with their Phone number, Cell number, Home address, Date of birth and email are written down. It looks very easy and simple but it is of great use...
Posted on 7:50 AM | Categories:

Project Timeline Template

Whenever a project is started it has got some time-frames and it has to be completed in the given time-frame. That's why Project Timeline Template is used. It basically calculates the total time span of the project and distributes it in months and days. It is a sort of Burn down chart in which the amount of work in terms of months is given. Here we have distributed the project in different phases and each phase has got a specific timeline. This timeline basically restricts the phases within the timeline in this way the project...

Super Ad matrix

Super Ad matrix Template is an ideal tool for checking the popularity of an ad. Here you are given a series of spaces where you can write about the ad campaign, attention grabbing, entertaining, brand promotion and brand recall. You can even add more categories according to your requirement. This is an easy way of checking the popularity and success of an ad in the general public. Also you can add categories like feedback and so on. Super Ad matrix Excel Template is available for download in excel, pdf and jpeg formats for free. The download links...
Posted on 7:45 AM | Categories:

Weekly Calendar Template

Here is another Template for planning about your Weekly routine. Here you can write down what you are going to do this week. You can also use it as a diary, you can write down important events of each day on the given date. It is a simple and easy to use calendar , you can use Monthly Calendar Template in the way you like either for the purpose of looking into your expenses or to write important events it is helpful in both ways. Weekly Calendar Word Template can be downloaded for free from the given links...
Posted on 7:44 AM | Categories:

Simple Budget Planner Template

Simple Budget Planner Template is one of the most useful tools for estimating and planning about the yearly or monthly budget. This template uses simple math operations and calculates the required result. You can also add or remove things from here according to your requirement. Here you just have to give your total budget and the percentages for each category and it will give you the required result. All the things are predefined so its really easy for the user to use this tool. Also it can be used for estimating about small business budgets...
Posted on 7:42 AM | Categories:

Monday, May 28, 2012

PA Report Cover Sheet

Cover Sheet is a paper which is used as the first page of any important file. PA Report Cover Sheet is used widely as the first page of a PA Report. Here you have to write the title of the document, name and other contact information. It is simple and easy to use. PA Report Cover Sheet Word Template can be downloaded in PDF, Excel and JPEG formats for free. The Download links have been given at the end. ...

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Travel Expense Report

Official Travels are generally accompanied by a Travel Expense Report. Travel Expense Report Excel Sheet contain the full detail of the travel expense. It consist of fields like Purpose of Travel, Statement Number, Pay Period, Employee Information, Detail of the expenses, etc. All these information helps in getting an exact summary of the travel. Travel Expense Report can be downloaded in Excel, Pdf and JPEG formats from the given links. ...
Posted on 11:04 AM | Categories:

Friday, May 25, 2012

Profit and Loss Statement

To keep an eye on the money and the changes of money you have to write a Profit and Loss Statement. Profit and Loss Statement Excel Sheet basically makes you able to create a comprehensive Profit and Loss Statement. It calculates the percentage from from the prior period and budget. You can download it in PDF, Excel and JPEG formats for free. The links have been given at the end....

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Teacher Self Assessment Form

Teacher Self Assessment Form Word Template is detailed teacher self assessment form. Here you have been given every minor part of a self assessment form with example. This is helpful in the sense that you can get an idea about each part of it. You can edit it in the desired way. The presence of examples makes your task very easy. Teacher Self Assessment Form is available for download in Doc, PDF and Jpeg formats for free. The links have been given at the end. ...
Posted on 8:18 AM | Categories:

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Economic Value Added calculation

EVA or Economic Value Added Calculation is an estimate of a firm or company's economic profit. Economic Value Added calculation Excel Template basically calculates the profit earned by the company or the firm. The amount of profit can be calculated by making adjustments to the accounting information. Here you just have to write down the figures and you will get the EVA calculated. The given preview is of the first page of the original document which contains two pages. Everything has been done for you, you just need to adjust the values...

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Daily Production Report

To keep an eye on the daily progress of work you have to make a Daily Production Report. Daily Production Report Excel Template helps you in making a summary of all the work done or production made in a day. It helps you in determining the speed of progress, hurdles faced, need of extra work, daily achievements, etc. Daily Production Report Excel Sheet can be downloaded from the given links in Excel, PDF and JPEG formats for free....
Posted on 7:13 AM | Categories:

Friday, May 18, 2012

Cash Flow Statement

A sort of financial statement concerned with the inflow and outflow of cash in a business is called as a Cash Flow Statement. Cash Flow Statement Excel Template gives you detail of the cash inflow and outflow for all the months of a year. You just need to write down the Net income, Accounts payable, Inventory, etc for cash inflow category and Accounts Receivable, Short term debt, Long term debt, Prepaid Expenses, Accrued Expenses, Income tax payable, Depreciation, etc for cash outflow. The net total...

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Business Trip Planner

Business Trips are an important part of business dealings. These trips are basically arranged for some meeting, seminar, conference, etc. Business Trip Planner Word Template helps you in managing a Business Trip. It has got all the important things to be kept in mind. It helps you in making a full plan of every major and minor things of the trip. Business Trip Planner can be downloaded in PDF, DOC and JPEG formats. The links have been given at the bottom. ...
Posted on 6:37 AM | Categories:

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Preservation Letter

While submitting some thing or data of importance or worth you have to make a Preservation Letter. It serves as a legal way of seeking protection for some sensitive data or thing. Preservation Letter Word Template gives you an ideal way of writing a Preservation Letter. Here you have been provided with a sample letter. It will give you an idea how can you write your own one or you can even edit it in the desired way and use it. Preservation Letter Word Template can be downloaded in PDF, JPEG and DOC formats for free...
Posted on 2:17 PM | Categories:

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Job Description Project Manager

One of the most important things for publicizing a job is a Job Description. Job Description Project Manager Word Template gives you a detailed and appropriate job description for the post of a Project Manger. Here you can give every minor detail of the job. You have got separate spaces for the job description. You can give the job description in points which helps in covering every detail and requirement of the job. This template can be download in Doc, PDF and JPEG formats for free form the links given at the end of the preview image....

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Online Flexible Invoice

Invoices are used widely and they differ in the way they are used. Online Flexible Invoice Excel Template is an Online Invoice. It is special in the sense that you can add or remove the rows here like sales price, shipping, handling, discount, etc. In short it is flexible in every term. This helps you in making it exactly the one you are thinking of. It has got dual feature as it can also be used as an invoice saver. You can keep a record of invoices here and can be used any time. Online Flexible Invoice Excel Template can be downloaded...
Posted on 7:50 AM | Categories: