Thursday, April 26, 2012

Painting Proposal

Painting Proposal Word Template is designed to help you in making a proposal. Here you can write down the details of the proposal like the Name of the person to whom proposal is to be submitted, Name of the Job, Contact information, Specifications and Estimates, Expenses, Undertaking, etc. Painting Proposal Word, PDF and JPEG formats for free....
Posted on 3:52 PM | Categories:

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Participant Sponsorship Form

The participants in any event need to be sponsored. For getting some sponsorship you need Participant Sponsorship Form Word Template. It helps you in writing all the detail of the participants. This sponsorship form can be used for any sort of events whether it is a sports event, exhibition, competition, etc. Participant Sponsorship Form Word Template can be downloaded in Word, PDF and JPEG formats for free...
Posted on 3:25 PM | Categories:

Accounts Expense Report

Expenses of anything related to your account has to be kept in record and all these expenses must be in a simplified form so that it could be used easily. Accounts Expense Report Excel Template is specially designed to make a summary of your expenses related to your account and produce it in the form of a Report. Here you can write down a general summary of the expenses of you account. Accounts Expense Report Excel Template is free to download in Excel. JPEG and PDF formats...
Posted on 3:05 PM | Categories:

Bank Deposit Receipt

To manage the deposits made in a bank you need a Bank Deposit Receipt. Bank Deposit Receipt Excel Template helps you in keeping a detail of the deposits made. It contains a detail of every information related to your account and it helps in keeping a record of every money you deposit. Bank Deposit Receipt Excel Template can be downloaded in Excel, JPEG and PDF formats for free...
Posted on 3:02 PM | Categories:

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Network Documentation

Network Documentation Word Template is helpful in documenting the devices and settings which are used in small businesses. This template was basically developed for reducing the paper and time needed to find the related information. Network Documentation Word Template can be downloaded in Word, PDF and JPEG Formats for free...
Posted on 3:03 PM | Categories:

Standard Change Request Form

A form used to manage and track the changes in a project is called as a Standard Change Request Form. Standard Change Request Form Word Template can be used to manage a change in your project. It can be used to easily manage the changes. You are provided with a number of categories and these categories are helpful in the type of content they contain. Standard Change Request Form Word Template can be downloaded in PDF, JPEG and Word formats for free...
Posted on 2:26 PM | Categories:

Bank Loan Request Letter

Bank Loan Request Letter Word Template can be called as a guideline and a sample of a Loan Request Letter Of Bank. Here you have been given a sample of how to write a Bank Loan Request Letter. Everything has been given here and every point regarding the letter has been discussed. Bank Loan Request Letter is available for download in Word, PDF and JPEG formats for free...
Posted on 2:05 PM | Categories:

Goal Planning Form

Companies have to set goals for their future plans. Goal Planning Form Template helps you in setting goals for your company. Here you can write down the Employee name, Instructions and the Number of Goals to be achieved. It helps you in setting footsteps for the progress of your company. Goal Planning Form Word Template can be downloaded in PDF, JPEG and Word Format for free...
Posted on 1:47 PM | Categories:

Monday, April 23, 2012

Credit Application for Business

A request application which is used for an extension of credit is called as a General Credit Application. Credit Application for Business Template contains all the required information relating to the costs of the credit and all other expenses included. It provides the amount and type of credit requested by the company. Information has been categorized for ease. It contains categories like Business Contact Information, Business And Credit Information, Business/ Trade References, Agreement and Signatures. General Membership...

General Membership Application

General Membership Application is used for getting membership in any sort of a club. It contains all the information required for a getting the membership of a club. The information has been categorized according to its type like Applicant Information, Employment Information, Emergency Contact, Spouse Information in joint membership, Spouse Employment Information, References, Signatures, etc. It can downloaded from here in Jpeg, PDF and Word formats for free...

Sunday, April 22, 2012

General Deposit Form

Depositing some checks or cash is not a big deal but when it counts to hundreds and thousand you need a General Deposit Form Excel Sheet. It is used to account for up to 20 check and cash domination up to a hundred dollars. It has been programmed to tally your deposits as you enter them so you don't need to be worried about any sort of errors. General Deposit Form Excel Template can be downloaded in Excel, PDF and JPEG formats for free...
Posted on 2:36 PM | Categories:

Real Estate Client Info

Real Estate jobs have to be dealt with great care and security. While doing some business you must take a detail of the client. It will help you in keeping a record of them and will prove helpful in time of need. Real Estate Publisher Template is a detailed form for keeping the information of clients. Here you can note down all the information about the client like his contact info, needs and wants, financing, etc. Real Estate Client Info can be downloaded in Publisher, PDF and JPEG formats for free...
Posted on 2:25 PM | Categories:

General Employment Application

Employment can be called as a blessing as it provides you for all your expenses. Most of the time people apply for a job or post but do not provide the full detail about their abilities and themselves and ultimately their application gets rejected. General Employment Application Word Template is an Employment Form that can be used generally for most of the blanks posts. It consist of the basic requirements which a general post requires like the Application Information, Educational History, References, Previous Employment Record, Disclaimer...

Personal Goal Setting

For getting success in any field of life you have to move with a vision and goal in front of you. Career is the most important part of anyone's life so you have to set a goal for it. Personal Goal Setting Word Template helps in setting a Future Goal of your career. Here you can note down the most important things you want to do in life. This paper will remind you of you goals. You can also use it as a Daily Goal Setting Template also. Personal Goal Setting Word Template can be downloaded in Word, PDF and JPEG formats for fre...
Posted on 1:56 PM | Categories:

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Business Risk Assessment Questionnaire

Surveys plays an important role in knowing the risks of a product or idea yet to be launched. Business Risk Assessment Questionnaire Word Template is questionnaire consisting of a number of important questions which are related to the expected business risks. Also you have been provided with a number of categories consisting of Risk Assessment, General Sales Opportunity Information, Revenue Potential, Risks, Customers Risks, Ratings, etc. All these things helps in making a detailed assessment. Business Risk Assessment...
Posted on 12:07 PM | Categories:

Homeschooling Progress Tracker

Homeschooling is not a new things it has been in trend for a long time. To make this type of schooling more successful a number of things have to be ensured like the track of the curriculum progress. Homeschooling Progress Tracker Word Template is a very good Progress Tracker as you can write down the detail of every subject with the progress made so far. Here you have been given space for nine subjects. You can use it as a result sheet also because it also contains the detail of the grades of every subject. In short it is an ideal tool to keep...
Posted on 11:43 AM | Categories:

Parents Travel Permission Form

Under-age students have to take a special permission from their parents prior to travel. This travel permission or authorization has to be filled in a form named as Parents Travel Permission Form. Parents Travel Permission Form Word Template is used generally for getting the parent's permission for the ward. Here parents have to answer a number of questions regarding the child's permission to travel. It can also be called as an undertaking because you sign at the end of the form and hence make a legal authorization. Parents...
Posted on 11:38 AM | Categories:

Project Initiation Plan

Before starting a project you have to make a detailed plan of the project according to the requirements, this plan is called as a Project Initiation Plan. Project Initiation Plan Word Template can be called as an ideal Project Initiation Plan because you have been given detailed sample of writing a Project Initiation Plan. Here you have been given a number of categories and detail of every category is also included in it. You just need to have look, keep the useful things and remove the unnecessary stuff. You can also modify it...
Posted on 11:30 AM | Categories:

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Supply Performance Monitoring

Monitoring the supplies is always a matter of great concern that's how a Supply Performance Monitoring Excel Sheet helps you. You can keep a detail of all the information concerning the Supply Performance here. Here a number of questions have been given and you can answer them accordingly. It helps you in getting the real image of the performance of the supply. Supply Performance Monitoring is available here for download in Excel, JPEG and PDF formats for fre...
Posted on 3:00 PM | Categories:

Meeting Sign-in Sheet

Nobody can deny the importance of meetings because it plays a vital role in discussing the progress of anything. An important thing about meetings is to ensure the presence of all the invited persons. Meeting Sign-in Sheet Excel Template helps you out in marking the persons who are present in the meeting. You can also note down the absent persons and also you can write down the reason for their absence. You can write the Name, Title, Company, Phone, Fax and E-mail of the invited persons. Meeting Sign-in Sheet can be downloaded in Excel,...

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Confirmation Letter Of Agreement

Confirmation Letter Of Agreement Word Template is a letter used for confirming about an agreement between two parties. Here you can write down the detail of the agreement and important points of the agreement. You can even quote points from the main body the agreement letter. Confirmation Letter Of Agreement  can be downloaded from the given links for free in Word, PDF and JPEG formats...
Posted on 2:09 PM | Categories:

Monday, April 16, 2012

Decree Of Divorce

Divorce is one of the worst faces of a family life but if situation gets worse it is the only solution. Decree Of Divorce Word Template is an official order that has got force of law and can be used for court divorce. You can fill out the provided blanks with the relevant information. Everything has been given to you so you just need to fill out the blanks. Decree Of Divorce can be downloaded in Word, PDF and JPEG formats for fre...
Posted on 2:33 PM | Categories:

General Affidavit

Affidavit is a written statement that is confirmed by an oath or affirmation and is used as a source of proof or evidence. General Affidavit Word Template is a widely used affidavit template. It can be used normally in any situation. You just need to fill the given blanks and your affidavit will be ready. General Affidavit Word Template can be downloaded in Word, PDF and JPEG formats for fre...
Posted on 2:14 PM | Categories:

Temporary Guardianship Authorization Form

Temporary Guardianship Authorization Form Word Template can be used as an authorization for Temporary Guardianship. It is basically for minors. You need to provide all the information of the child. You have to give the full medical history of the child, Information about this parents, Information of the temporary guardians, Emergency Contacts, Oaths form Both Real and Temporary Parents followed by their signature. It can be downloaded from the given links. Available formats are Word, PDF and JPEG. You can download it for free...
Posted on 2:06 PM | Categories:

Sales Manager Resume

Resumes play an important role in presenting a person's abilities and his strong points while applying for a job or position. Sales Manager Resume Word Template is a very useful Resume for applying to the posts of Sales Manager, Team Leader, Relationship Manager or Business Manager. It has been divided into a number of sections like Personal Information, Contact Information, Professional Experience, Education, Career Level, Target Job and Skills. These sections helps you in giving a detail information of your abilities and skills. Sales...
Posted on 1:58 PM | Categories: ,

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Leave Request Form

Leaves provide you with break to enjoy some time with your family, friends or loved once. Employees take leaves due to a number of reason like Wedding, Party, Trip, Picnic, Feast, Emergency, etc. Leave Request Form Word Document can be used for all these reasons. You have got one of the most widely used format here. You just need to fill out the blanks and you will get the leave form ready. It is a bit detailed Leave Form but still you can use it in most of the occasion. It can also give you an idea of how to write a Leave Request form and...
Posted on 3:09 PM | Categories:

2012 Employee Payroll Calculator

To keep a track of the employee's work time and their wages you need a Payroll calculator. It helps you in managing all these things at a single place. 2012 Employee Payroll Calculator Excel Sheet helps you in keeping the total time worked, Payable amount, Extra time wages, etc. It helps in making this task very easy. You just have to keep on writing  the time and wage rest all will be done by this sheet. You can download 2012 Employee Payroll Calculator in Excel, JPEG and PDF formats for fre...

Applicant Assessment Form

While selecting applicants for a job or post you have to make an assessment of the applicant's abilities and skills. "Applicant Assessment Form Word Template" helps you in making an assessment of the candidate on the basis of his skills and abilities. It is very helpful in the sense that it gives a sketch of the person's abilities and his qualification. You can make some standards and then check each candidate on the basis of these standards.Applicant Assessment Form can be downloaded from the given links. It is available in three formats i.e...
Posted on 2:45 PM | Categories:

Salary Analysis Form

A very helpful template for analyzing salary information. It can assist you in getting a lot of information through surveys and other useful methods. "Salary Analysis Form Word Template" helps you in analyzing your salary. You just need to fill out the blanks provided. You have to write the information of your business and the information of your competitor. This will help you in analyzing and comparing the differences and improving the shortcomings. Salary Analysis Form can be downloaded in PDF, Excel and JPEG formats for...
Posted on 2:37 PM | Categories:

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Employee Warning Letter

Warning letters are used to warn someone against a possible outcome of the consequences. These letters basically aims at telling the culprit what he has done and what will happen if he did this thing again. It is a polite and official way of telling someone about his offense. Employee Warning Letter Word Template is generally used for office and company employees. It contains detail of the Employee, Type of warning, Type of offense, Other Details and Acknowledgement of receipt of warning. Employee Warning Letter can...
Posted on 3:57 PM | Categories:

Request For Hire Approval

Hiring new employees is not an easy job and you have to be very vigilant and accurate throughout the selection procedure. Request For Hire Approval Excel Sheet is a very good Approval Form. Here you can write down the detail of the job being hired for. You can write down information like Job Title, Department, Policies, Starting and Ending dates etc. Request For Hire Approval can be downloaded in Excel, JPEG and PDF formats for free...
Posted on 3:37 PM | Categories:

Applicant's Interview Notes Form

Interviews are mostly conducted to check the personal skills and confidence of a person. Whether it is a job interview, admission to university or college interview, Promotion interview, etc all have got a common thing in them. "Applicant's Interview Notes Form Word Template" is helpful for people who are going to appear in an interview. It helps them to make notes related to the post applied for and other necessary details. It also contains some questions which you want to ask the interviewer. Applicant's Interview Notes Form is available...
Posted on 3:28 PM | Categories:

Emergency Contact List

Contact information plays an important role while contacting in times of emergency. It is also very helpful for saving information as a security tool. Emergency Contact List Excel Sheet is a simple and useful template. It contains a list of emergency contacts in terms of their priority. The top list contains the names of close friends and family members. It also contains information about the relationship and home address of the person. Emergency Contact List can be downloaded in Excel, PDF and JPEG formats for fre...
Posted on 3:21 PM | Categories:

Friday, April 13, 2012

Shipment Packing List

Millions of Shipments are shipped daily around the globe and if we make the figures a bit specific to some region it can be counted in hundreds. These shipments have to be managed in such a way that their is no mixing of items and that's why mostly a packing List accompanies the package. Shipment Packing List Excel Sheet is used for this purpose. Here you can write down the detail of the item being shipped along with the list of items present. It helps in tracking the items in case of any loss or damage. Shipment Packing List can...
Posted on 2:34 PM | Categories:

Office Supply Requisition Form

Requisition Forms or Letters are used as an official proof for using an item or service mostly belonging to some government property. Office Supply Requisition Form Excel Sheet is generally used as an official authorization letter for using some item or service of an office. Here you can write down the Name of Person Requesting Authorization, Department, Authorized By, Name of items, Quantity, etc. You can freely download Office Supply Requisition Form in JPEG, Excel and PDF format...
Posted on 2:19 PM | Categories:

Price Estimate for Services

Buying services is a normal thing as far as a business and a trade is concerned but the more important thing is to keep a track of the money you are putting for buying the services and goods. Price Estimate for Services Excel Sheet is very useful in the sense that you can estimate about the prices of the services you want to hire or purchase. Here you have been shown a number of jobs as example and their estimated prices. Price Estimate for Services is available here for free to download in Excel, PDF and JPEG formats. ...

Student Attendance List

Keeping a track of student's attendance is very important as far as their academic progress is concerned. Student Attendance List Excel Sheet helps you in tracking the students daily attendance. It is a simple one but the specialty of this Student Attendance List is in its simplicity. You just need to write the Name, Roll number, Teacher name, Date, etc. In this way it is simple and perfect at the same time. Student Attendance List can be downloaded in PDF, Excel and JPEG formats for free...
Posted on 1:58 PM | Categories:

Thursday, April 12, 2012

2012 Event Schedule Planner

Important events have to be scheduled at the starting of the year. This helps you in keeping a track of all the coming events and in this way you can make every necessary arrangement in time. 2012 Event Schedule Planner Excel Sheet helps you in planning about the upcoming events of the year. Here you can write down the phases of the events, Starting and Ending dates, Year calender, etc. All these things helps you in making an ideal planning for your events. This 2012 Event Schedule Planner can be downloaded in Excel, PDFs and JPEG formats from...
Posted on 2:22 PM | Categories:

Weekly Meal Planner

To live a happy and healthful life you have to eat a variety of food. By taking different sort of foods you can easily maintain your health. Weekly Meal Planner Excel Sheet helps you in planning your daily meal. You can make a schedule for one week. It contains the detail of your Breakfast, Dinner, Lunch and Snacks. You can change the menu weekly, monthly or the way you like. Meal Planner Form is available to you in three formats, Excel, PDFs and JPEG for free. ...
Posted on 2:09 PM | Categories:

Complete Party Planner

Parties and gatherings are an important part of social life and everyone loves to do parties. One of the most important things is the arrangement of the party or in short the party plan. Complete Party Planner Excel Sheet helps you in planning a party. It tells you the detail of the budget along with other important events of the party like Decorations, Food and Drinks, Guests list, Other supplies, Schedule, Activities, etc. All these things helps you in planning a rocking party. Complete Party Planner can be downloaded in...
Posted on 11:22 AM | Categories:

Camping Trip Planner

Adventure lovers are always designing new ways of making their adventure more thrilling and memorable same is the case with pleasure seekers they are also in search of new ways to make things more easy and comfortable. Camping Trip Planner Excel Sheet is used for planning a Camping Trip. Camping Trips are one of the most loved adventures and you have to make sure that you have got all the necessary items for your trip with you before leaving. You have to make sure about the possible camping grounds, Details of the Campground, Gear and Resources...
Posted on 7:43 AM | Categories:

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Year End Tax Plan

Planning is very important for any thing or event. But when it comes to income and expenses it is one of the most important thing. "Year End Tax Plan Excel Sheet" helps you in planning about the estimate taxes for the year. Here every minor detail about your expanses has been given and further divided into categories and each category contains a number of related items. These categories include Gross income, Adjustments to Gross income, Allowable Itemized Deductions, etc. So it provides you an easy way to sort out the possible taxes...
Posted on 3:28 PM | Categories:

Petition Form

While demanding for some right as a majority you have to make a petition. Petition Form Word Document is a petition form which can be used everywhere. Whether it is about some small issue in a College or University or it is about some company employees demand you can use it. Here you have to write out the Petition summary and Background, Action Petitioned for, Printed Name of Petitioners, Signatures, Address, Comment and Date. You can download this template in Word, PDF and JPEG formats for free. ...
Posted on 3:07 PM | Categories:

Party Guest List

Parties are an important part of life. Whether it is a Birthday Party, Wedding Party, Dinner Party, Lunch Party or whatsoever it is time to enjoy. One of the most important thing as far as parties are concerned is managing the Guest list. This should not just contain the name of the persons invited rather it should be something more than that that's why a Party Guest List Excel Sheet is used. It is a simple Guest list but it contains the Menu and Notes also. It helps in making the required arrangements for guests according to their taste...

Complete Cricket Scorecard

One of the most loved games of all time is Cricket. It is played all around the world and tournaments and cups are arranged every now and then. To keep a track of the score and full detail of the match at a single place you will need a Complete Cricket Scorecard Excel Sheet. You can get an idea from the name that it is a scorecard of the match. It contains every major and minor detail of the match. You can write the detail of the batting scorecard, bowling spells, individual scores, extras, overs, match summary, etc. You can easily download...
Posted on 2:34 PM | Categories:

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Ground Incident Complaints

Incidents are a part of daily life but sometimes these incidents happens due to the negligence of some authorities. In such a situation a Ground Incident Complaint is written to the concerned authorities. It helps in minimizing the risks of further incidents. "Ground Incident Complaints Word Sheet" is a good complaint letter. You can write down the detail of the incident along with other minor and major details. These details might include the name of the place, type of incident, peoples involved in the incident, injuries involved etc. It...

Checklist of Retirement

Retirement is one of the most important decision to make in life. Before getting retirement from job you have to make a list of things to be remembered prior to getting retired. Checklist of Retirement Excel Sheet is helpful in the sense that it tells you the things to be done before getting retirement. These things have been categorized as Lifestyle, Health, Finances and Legal. It helps in making a mind about the things related to these categories.Checklist of Retirement can be downloaded freely in Excel, PDF and JPEG formats. ...

Client Travel Plan

While making arrangements for the travel of clients you need a Client Travel Plan. Client Travel Plan Word Template helps in taking the necessary information from the clients and then arranging their travel details. Here you can take information like his Name, Nationality, Passport, Tour information, Destination details, Insurance details, Fares, etc. It can be downloaded in Excel, PDFs and JPEG formats for free. ...
Posted on 11:41 AM | Categories:

Basketball Tournament Bracket 2012

One of the most loved sports of all time is Basketball. Whether it is about small street clubs or big international teams everywhere it is played with the same rules and style. Tournaments are held everywhere so we need a tool to manage these tournaments. Basketball Tournament Bracket 2012 Excel Sheet is a very good tool for planning a Basketball Tournament. This is the bracket style of planning the match schedules. It helps in a managing a big tournament fairly big up-to 36 teams. Basketball Tournament Bracket 2012...
Posted on 11:25 AM | Categories:

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Teacher Conference Record

The progress of students must be observed and if their is some problem with them regarding their studies, family problem, lack of interest, etc these issues must be discussed. Teacher Conference Record Word Template gives you a summary of the things to be discussed during the conference held for discussing the behavior of the student in terms of his studies and overall performance. Here some points have been included but you can add more points according to your requirement. This template can be downloaded in PDFs, JPEG and Excel for free....

Basketball Record Book

Basketball, the game of passion and zest is widely played all over the world. To keep a track of the score and other required information of the game and players a Basketball Record Book Excel Sheet is used. Here you can note down the individual score of the players with his name and also you can note the total attempts made, Attempts missed, Points scored, Fouls, etc. This helps in an easy assessment of the player. It can be used during practice matches as well as during tournament matches for assessing the performance of the player. Basketball...
Posted on 12:36 PM | Categories:

Daily Mood Chart

To keep a track of your daily mood you can use this amazing template. Daily Mood Chart Word Template can keep a track of your daily mood. You can keep on noting about your moods on daily basis and at the end of the month when you will have a look at these templates you will come to know a lot of new things about your personality which you didn't know earlier. Daily Mood Chart is downloadable in Word, PDF and JPEG formats for absolutely free. ...
Posted on 12:27 PM | Categories:

Modern Social Worker Resume

In this competitive job industry each document attached with your job application is very important. Modern Social Worker Resume Word Template is a very good Template of a Modern Social Worker Resume. It basically contains all your information regarding your education, specialized field, skills,experience, community works, etc. You can modify it in the required way. Modern Social Worker Resume can be downloaded in Word, PDF and JPEG formats for free...
Posted on 12:11 PM | Categories: ,

Friday, April 6, 2012

New Employee Orientation Checklist 2012

Before making the orientation you have to be careful about a number of things. New Employee Orientation Checklist 2012 Excel Sheet gives you a list of the important things to be kept in mind while making the orientation. These things helps you in making a good orientation. New Employee Orientation Checklist 2012 can be downloaded in PDF, Excel and JPEG for fre...

Weekly Status Report

For making your projects successful you need to keep a steady look on its status per week. Weekly Status Report serves you in this regard. You can mention the progress made in the week here. You can write about the goals you set for the week, Problems faced, Goals attained, etc. All these things helps you in changing your stance. Weekly Status Report is freely downloadable in PDFs, JPEG and Doc formats....
Posted on 3:11 PM | Categories:

Work Order Format

An ideal way to write a Work Order. Work Order Format Word Template is a general way of writing a Work Order. This format is generally accepted in most of the organizations. It can be send from a customer to an organization or it can also be used within the organization also. In short it can be a tool of great usage. Work Order Format can be downloaded in three formats i.e PDF, JPEG and Excel for fre...
Posted on 2:38 PM | Categories:

Loss Weight Tracker 2012

Obesity is one of the major problem of the current era. Loss Weight Tracker 2012 Excel Sheet helps you to keep a track of your weight for a long period of time. Here you have got automatically generated graphs which helps in predicating the weight loss in coming weeks. It contains a data of 21 weeks so it gives a detail of your weight. Loss Weight Tracker 2012 can be downloaded in .pdfs, .xls and .jpeg formats for fre...
Posted on 2:21 PM | Categories:

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Billing Statement 2012

Normally when you get subscribed to a shop or company and use its services or buy items you get a Billing statement. It is basically a compacted version of original bills which contains the detail of the items you purchased or the services you used during a specific period of time. Billing Statement 2012 Excel Sheet is a generally used Billing Statement. It is beautifully designed along with all the important parts of this Statement. Here you can write down every detail about the items or the services used by...

Comprehensive Statement of Income 2012

Statement of income contains a detail of your earnings and expenses for a period of time. It is basically a financial statement and it is used to measure the financial expenses of a person, company, firm or organization for a period of time. Comprehensive Statement of Income 2012 Excel Sheet gives with an ideal tool to calculate your financial expenses. You can also calculate the income tax and also other expenses with the help of this Statement of Income. Comprehensive Statement of Income 2012 can be downloaded in Excel, PDF and JPEG...

Basketball Scorebook

Basketball is one of the most loved sports on the planet. Mostly basketball tournaments are organized at every level whether it is school level, college level, club level, national or international level. Basketball Scorebook Excel Sheet is a very good Scorebook for recording the scores in these tournaments. Here you can note down the Name of Teams, Matches Played, Won and Lost Matches, Fouls, Individual Scores, Total Score, etc. Also you can add more details as per requirement. Basketball Scorebook is available here in...
Posted on 6:42 AM | Categories:

Guardian Letter

A letter widely used for providing the information of a guardian is called a Guardian Letter. It can be used as a source of contact and correspondence for a College or University student. Also it can be used for getting membership of clubs for under age children. It is very short and useful letter as it contains the detail of the guardian. Guardian Letter Word Template can be downloaded in Word, PDF and JPEG formats for free...
Posted on 6:10 AM | Categories:

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Ideal Training Log

This Ideal Training Log Excel Sheet gives you a standard way to manage your training. It provides you with a number of blank spaces which provides you enough space for writing the detail of your training phases. You can also maintain the history of your training. Ideal Training Log is downloadable in Pdf, Excel and JPEG formats for fre...
Posted on 2:43 PM | Categories:

New Employee Orientation Checklist

Getting an employment is a matter of great pleasure. Before making the things final you have to make a list of related information. New Employee Orientation Checklist Excel Sheet is a very checklist as it contains all the necessary things to be done once you start your job. It contains the detail of the personal information of the person along with a slight detail of the rules and regulations of the the company. It also gives you information about the things you have to do once you start your job. New Employee Orientation Checklist...
Posted on 2:28 PM | Categories:

Guardianship Letter

To legalize the guardianship of a child you have to fill out a Guardianship Letter. This letter is widely used for getting full guardian rights. Guardianship Letter Word Template contains a detail of the items required for getting a permanent guardianship authorization. It consists of three main pages which take a detail information about your Name, Address, Job, Family Detail, Oath, Witnesses, etc. As Guardianship is a matter of great responsibility so this letter aims at taking all the required information for the security of the child....
Posted on 12:00 PM | Categories: