Monday, December 31, 2012

Marketing Budget Planner 2013

Marketing is a word used widely meaning promoting a business or product. It is one of the most important thing because it makes you able to promote your product and find the desired customers for it. So a good planning is required for making a good marketing budget. Marketing Budget Planner 2013 Template has been designed to help you in  planning your Marketing budget. By using this template you can easily estimate about the expenses for marketing your business. You can also calculate the separate expenses for staff, lead generation and communications...
Posted on 12:37 PM | Categories:

Saturday, December 29, 2012

2013 Employee Payroll Calculator

For tracking the employee's working time and wages a payroll calculator is used. By using it you can easily manage all the things at a single place. 2013 Employee Payroll Calculator helps you in managing the total time worked, Extra time wages, Payable amount, etc. It is very helpful as it makes it easy to manage all these data without much effort. Here you just need to write down the time and wage, rest all will be done by this calculator. You can download 2013 Employee Payroll Calculator in Excel, JPEG and PDF formats for free...

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Sample Business Plan

Well-written business plan plays a vital role for making business a success. If you start without a business plan, you can't achieve the set goals. But still, entrepreneurs, who tend to be people of action, too often start their business venture without preparing a written plan outlining the essence of the business. You should begin by writing down the answer to the very basic question, "What business am I in?" This may sound elementary, but answering this question with thought and consideration will help you focus on the major purpose of the...
Posted on 3:41 AM | Categories:

Friday, November 16, 2012

Patient Registration Form

Patient Registration Form Template helps you in keeping the details of a patient. This form is also used for getting the information from the patient. You can send it to the patient and he/she will send it filled. This can either be filled by hand or electronically. This form can also be uploaded to your website so that the patients can download it from there and send it back to you. Patient Registration Form Template can be downloaded for free in Doc, PDF and JPEG formats. The download links are at the end of the post...
Posted on 1:04 PM | Categories:

Friday, November 9, 2012

Employee Warning Notice

If some employee violates the rules or company policies you need an Employee Warning Notice. This Employee Warning Notice Template helps you in documenting the employee's violation. Here you have got sections for the type of warning, description of infractions, plan of improvement, consequences of further infractions and the acknowledgement of the receipt of warning. All these things are followed by the signatures of the employee and manager. Employee Warning Notice Template is available for download in Doc, PDF and JPEG formats. The download...
Posted on 9:52 AM | Categories:

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Resignation Acceptance Letter

For accepting and acknowledging someone's resignation you need a Resignation Acceptance Letter. This letter helps you in confirming the last work history of the employee and other details of the work. It gives the final employment detail of the person resigned. It also includes the details of the payments made and outstanding, if any. Resignation Acceptance Letter Template is available here for free download in Doc, PDF and JPEG formats. The download links have been given at the end of the pos...
Posted on 9:55 AM | Categories:

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Sales Commission Calculator

One of the most important things when it comes to Sales and Commission is a Sales Commission Calculator. It is used for calculating the total amount of commission gained from sales. Here you just have to enter the percentage and amount of commission and it will calculate the total commission automatically. Sales Commission Calculator Excel Template is available for free download in Excel, PDF and JPEG formats. The download links are given at the end of the pos...

Friday, November 2, 2012

Sample Service Invoice

This Sample Service Invoice Excel Template helps you in making a service invoice for sending to your customers. This design is more accurate in comparison to the previous ones. The format of the invoice is the same but the design is new. You have got enough space for writing the details of the purchases made. Sample Service Invoice Template can be downloaded for free in Doc, PDF and JPEG format. The download links are at the end of the post...
Posted on 7:28 AM | Categories:

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Annual Financial Report

The financial report summarizing all the financial activities of a business or company is called as an Annual Financial Report. It helps you in summarizing the annual financial projections of your business. Annual Financial Report Template contains total of three sheets. The first sheet contains financial report, here you can write down the revenues, operating expenses, operating profits, etc. Second page contains financial date input, here you have to put your financial data for year to year. You can put data for...
Posted on 11:57 AM | Categories:

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Temporary Guardianship Form

The authorization form used for taking the guardianship of a child or ward is called as a Temporary Guardianship Form. This form is used for getting the legal authority to keep the child with you for the agreed period of time. It is widely used by parents when they have to travel or go somewhere in emergency. It can also be used by parents to allow someone to take guardianship of their child or ward. This form is a template of a Temporary Guardianship Form. It contains spaces for writing the name of the child, date of birth, name and full details...
Posted on 5:15 AM | Categories:

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Resignation Letter From Executive Board

Resignation Letter From Executive Board helps you in getting resignation from the executive board of directors. It is a tool for notifying the board about your resignation. This is a template of a Resignation Letter From Executive Board as it gives you an idea for writing. This template also contains a detail of your experiences and views about the executive board. Resignation Letter From Executive Board Template is available here in Doc, PDF and JPEG formats for free. The download links have been given at the end of he...
Posted on 1:55 PM | Categories:

Friday, October 19, 2012

Basic Resignation Letter

A very helpful template for drafting a basic resignation letter is a Basic Resignation Letter Template. Everything regarding the letter has been already written you just need to put your information in the corresponding fields and get the letter prepared. Basic Resignation Letter Template is free for download in Doc, PDF and JPEG formats. The download links have been given at the end of the post...
Posted on 3:15 AM | Categories:

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Wedding Invitation Template

Wedding Invitation Template is a very good template for making a Wedding Invitation. The design, art work, invitation, in short everything has been made according to your need. You can write down the wedding invitation in a new and ideal way by this Wedding Invitation Template. Wedding Invitation Template can be download for free in Microsoft Publish, PDF and JPEG formats from the given links at the end the post...
Posted on 11:23 AM | Categories:

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Kids Chore Chart

To keep a record of the tasks assigned to kids you have to make a Kids Chore Chart. Kids Chore Chart Excel Template helps you in making a detail of the tasks to be completed in the given time frame. It can also be called as a schedule chart as it contains the schedule for tasks and the time limit for each task. The download links for Kids Chore Chart Template has been given at the end of the post. You can download it in Doc, PDF and JPEG formats for free...
Posted on 12:02 PM | Categories:

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Family Vacation Itinerary

To make your family vacation a perfect one you have to make every necessary arrangement before leaving for the vacation. Family Vacation Itinerary Template is a handy itinerary for covering every aspect of your family's vacation. Here you can write down every information from personal contact information to other information like hotel and car rents. In short it is a complete family itinerary for you. Family Vacation Itinerary  Template is available here in Excel, PDF and JPEG formats for free. The links for download have...

Monday, October 8, 2012

Team Meeting Agenda

Working in teams has always been a key to success. Team Meeting Agenda Template helps you in organizing a good meeting agenda. You can write about the details of the meeting like the type of meeting, meeting called by, Agenda items, Other information, etc. Team Meeting Agenda also contains the minute details of the meeting like the date, time and location. Team Meeting Agenda is available for free download in PDF, JPEG and Doc formats. The links are at the end of the post...
Posted on 6:08 AM | Categories:

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Resignation Letter from Board

For giving resignation from a board of directors you just need a Resignation Letter from Board, it notifies the board about your resignation. This letter also contains well wishes for the board of directors. It also expresses your appreciations for the time of your work with them. Resignation Letter from Board Word Template is available here for free download in Doc, PDF and JPEG formats for free. The download links have been given at the end of the post...
Posted on 2:53 PM | Categories:

Friday, September 28, 2012

Statement Of Account

Statement Of Account Template is a very helpful template for maintaining a running balance due from your clients. Here you have got spaces for entering the charges and credits. After getting these values Statement Of Account Template will automatically calculate the current balance. This statement of account is available here for free to download in Excel, PDF and JPEG formats. The download links have been given at the end of the post...

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Payment Demand Letter

Payment Demand Letter serves as a notification for your customer about the outstanding debts and encloses a copy of their overdue statement. This letter makes a demand for the payment of dues by a mentioned date and if the customers fails to pay it leads to the closure of the account or legal action against him. Here a summary of his dues and the deadline for the payment are mentioned. Payment Demand Letter Word Template is available here in Doc, PDF and JPEG formats. The links have been given at the end of the post...
Posted on 9:40 AM | Categories:

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Personal Financial Statement

For applying to a loan you have to make your own financial statement called as a Personal Financial Statement. It helps you in calculating your net worth and and then presenting it in the form of a statement. Personal Financial Statement Excel Template has been divided into categories and sections like assets and liabilities. You have to put the required information and values and it will calculate the totals. Personal Financial Statement is available for free download here in Excel, PDF and JPEG formats. The links are provided...

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Financial Accounting Book

To keep a detailed information about your financial accounts you just need a Financial Accounting Book Template. It contains information about the amount spent or transferred. It has got information about the date, check number, amount, payee's name and the description about it. Financial Accounting Book Template is very useful as it contains a total of seven sheets and each sheet is unique in terms of its content. This Financial Accounting Book is available here for free download. The download links have been given at the...

Monday, September 24, 2012

Party Planner Template

Party means fun time and when its fun time everything has to be perfect, that's why a Party Planner Template is widely used. It helps you in planning every part of your party. You can make a list of your guest in terms of  adults and children. This thing helps in managing the budget easily. Also you have got a list of items included in the party. Also you can plan about the seating arrangements. It helps you a lot in making every thing in the way you like. This template contains a total of five sheets. The given one is the first sheet...
Posted on 7:50 AM | Categories:

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Student Assignment Planner

Making a good plan is always a key factor for getting the desired results form anything. Student Assignment Planner Excel Template helps students in planning their assignments. It makes them able to make a detailed plan for each of the assignments to be completed. You can mention the name of the assignment and the due date for it. Student Assignment Planner is available here for download in Excel, PDF and JPEG formats. The download links have been given at the end of the post....
Posted on 1:47 PM | Categories:

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Resignation Letter due to lack of growth opportunity

Sometimes resignation is the result of low growth or progress opportunities, in such a condition you use a Resignation Letter due to lack of growth opportunity. This resignation letter contains reasons for your resignation. You can explain about your plans and put your resignation on the table. It will help you in making an easy and straight decision. You can download this template in Doc, PDF and JPEG formats for free. The download links have been given at the end of the post....
Posted on 11:43 AM | Categories:

Friday, September 21, 2012

No Bid Proposal Strategy

A very helpful template for formulating and documenting a no bid strategy is a No Bid Proposal Strategy Excel template. This template is also helpful in the sense that it is helpful in improving the pursuits of new opportunities. It will also make you able to make a well-convinced plan and will trigger a strategy for making the client able to remove the obstacles that prompted no bid consideration. No Bid Proposal Strategy Excel Template can be download in Excel, PDF and JPEG formats for free. The download links have been given...
Posted on 12:38 PM | Categories:

Letter of Support to Local officials

To support the proposals or plans of local officials you send a Letter of Support to them assuring them of your full support. Letter of Support to Local officials Word Template is a normal support letter send from the local community to the local officials showing their support for a plan or proposal. You can personalize it in the way you like. Letter of Support to Local officials can be downloaded in Doc, PDF and JPEG formats for free. The download links have been given at the end of the post....
Posted on 11:52 AM | Categories:

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Project Scope Report

One of the important things while writing a project scope document is to know what to include and what not to include in it. Project Scope Report Word Template contains instructions for writing a good Project Scope Report. The template also includes a matching service proposal and invoices to make it more valuable and unique. Download Project Scope Report from the given links in Word, PDF and JPEG formats for free....
Posted on 4:39 AM | Categories:

Use Case Template

A complete use case description is just a click away from you. Use Case Template contains a detailed and complete use case description. It is useful for managing products and proposals. You can write about the scenario, triggering event, actors, related use cases, pre condition, post condition, flow of events, exceptions, etc. Use Case Template is available here in Word, PDF and JPEG formats. The download links are at the end of the post...
Posted on 4:18 AM | Categories:

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Construction Bid Form

Construction Bid Form helps a contractor in submitting his construction proposal. Construction Bid Form Template contains a detail of all the material and labor associated with the project. It is very easy to use and also you can customize it in the way you like. It contains the owner information, contractor information, scope of work, company proposal and owner acceptance. Construction Bid Form Template is available for free download in Excel, PDF and JPEG formats. The download links have been given at the end of the post....
Posted on 12:36 PM | Categories:

Marketing Plan Presentation

For explaining a marketing plan you have to make a good Marketing Plan Presentation. It includes slides on market summary, competition, summary, packaging, communication, product definition, launch strategies, fulfillment, pricing, distribution, etc. It is very helpful in the sense that it makes you able to convey your marketing plan in an efficient way. It also helps you in identifying the week points of the plan. In short it is a complete presentation for presenting your marketing plan. Marketing Plan Presentation...
Posted on 12:03 PM | Categories:

Monday, August 6, 2012

Hotel Sales Report 2013

Sales Report plays an important role in making a report of a person's hotel stay. "Hotel Sales Report 2013" Excel Sheet contains the full detail of a Hotel Booking and the Sales made. It contains the important and generally used sections like HV number, Name, Plan, Receipt, Date, PAX,  Balance, Remarks, etc. All these information are helpful in judging the performance of your hotel for a period of one year. In addition it contains the detail of the amount collected as rent, amount spend on food, renovation expenses, the profit...
Posted on 9:48 PM | Categories:

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Project Proposal Template

Project Proposal Template is a proposal which can used for general projects. Here you can write down about your organization, name of project, items included in the proposal, etc. It is very easy to write and understand. You can give a detail of your proposal about the project. You can discuss about the summary, introduction, needs, goals, timetable, budget, evaluation, etc. Project Proposal Word Template is available for free download in doc, pdf and jpeg formats. The download links have been given at the end of the post...
Posted on 10:21 AM | Categories:

Mechanical Engineering Resume Template

Mechanical engineers are the people who are finding efficient and appropriate ways of developing new products. Most of the time Mechanical Engineers get plenty of chances for working in some big factories and production companies. Mechanical Engineering Resume Template is used generally by Mechanical Engineers for applying for different positions. This Mechanical Engineering Resume Template contains the basic sections of a Resume like the objective, employment history, computer proficiencies, education and references. Mechanical...
Posted on 9:21 AM | Categories: ,

Friday, August 3, 2012

Accountant Resume Template

Accountant Resume Template shows you what an Accountant Resume is and how it is written. It also contains other details of a Resume like the objective, summary, education, courses taken, experience, activities, etc. All these points are very important for an Accountant Resume. The format of this Accountant Resume Template is a widely used one so it is very useful for everyone. Accountant Resume Template can be downloaded for free in doc, pdf and jpeg formats. The download links have been given at the end of the post. ...
Posted on 9:20 AM | Categories: ,

Project Communication Plan

A detailed and helpful way of communicating your project is by a Project Communication Plan. No body can deny the importance of communication in a project because success of a project is always dependent on the communication skills and techniques. That's why a Project Communication Plan is very important. This communication plan serves as a tool for making a detail Project Communication plan. Project Communication Plan Excel Template is available for free download in xls, pdf and jpeg formats. The download links have been...
Posted on 8:51 AM | Categories:

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Business Proposal Letter

Given Business Proposal Letter is a detailed one so that you can easily get the idea of how to write a Business Proposal Letter. It is detailed plan of your proposal i.e plans and suggestions. These proposals once accepted proves so fruitful to your business. Business Proposal Letter has been divided into sections and sub-sections for a detailed and thorough explanation of the proposal . Business Proposal Letter Word Template can be downloaded for free in doc, pdf and jpeg formats. The download links are given at the end of the...
Posted on 4:27 AM | Categories:

Banker Resume Template

Bankers normally get abundant job opportunities. The Banker Resume is the same for most of the Banker Positions like CFO, Financial Analyst, Portfolio Manager, Financial planner, or Financial Controller Consultant. Banker Resume Template has been divided in sections and further divided into sub-sections, using short headings and bullet points to make it easy and understandable for the reader. The sections have been placed in the order of their importance. Banker Resume Template is available for...
Posted on 3:44 AM | Categories: ,

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Loan Payoff Calculator

Calculate your loans easily and accurately with the Loan Payoff Calculator. Whether it is a car loan, house loan, property loan or loan of any other sort Loan Payoff Calculator helps you in calculating the payoff. Here you have you have to enter the loan amount, annual interest rate, loan period in years and start payment. It will give you the monthly payment, number of payments, total interest and the total cost of loan. Also it gives you the beginning balance, payment, principal, interest and the ending balance. Loan Payoff Calculator...

Business Conference Agenda

Agendas are very important for successfully conducting a conference. It is basically a list of items to be discussed at a conference. Business Conference Agenda serves as a template of a general Business Conference Agenda. It contains the commonly used pattern of a Business Conference Agenda. The whole agenda of a Business Conference has been given here. Business Conference Agenda Word Template can be downloaded free in doc, PDF and jpeg formats for free. The download links have been given at the end...
Posted on 5:40 AM | Categories:

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

2013 Year Calendar

A complete and useful calendar for the year 2013. 2013 Year Calendar Template is a tool for writing  about your events and appointments for the year 2013. Here you have to select the date and then write about the event or the appointment detail. This 2013 Year Calendar can be used for the coming years also as you just have to change the starting date. After you have written about your appointments or meetings on the mentioned dates you just need to click the "View Appointments" button and it will display all the stored...
Posted on 3:59 PM | Categories:

Response To Proposal

Response To Proposal is a letter written from the company or a person to the person who had given the proposal. This letter contains the details of his ideas and aspirations regarding the submitted proposal. It is basically a follow up letter. This letter is the result making item as it gives you the acceptence or reluctance of your Proposal. Free Response To Proposal Letter is available here for download in doc, pdf and jpeg formats. The download links have been given at the end of the pos...
Posted on 12:26 PM | Categories:

Monday, July 30, 2012

Cover Letter For Proposal

Cover Letter is an important part of a Proposal. This letter contains a summary of your suggestions and advice for the proposal. Cover Letter For Proposal is used widely with the Proposal as it contains a summary of the proposal. It basically gives a short summary of the proposal. Cover Letter For Proposal Word Template can be downloaded for free from the given links in doc, pdf and jpeg formats. The links are at the end of the post...
Posted on 9:46 AM | Categories:

Manager Resignation Letter

Manager Resignation Letter is a resignation letter used widely by Mangers for their Resignation. It basically contains the reasons for resignation. It also tells about the format of a Manager Resignation Letter. It is a flexible Resignation Letter you can add or remove information as required. Manager Resignation Letter Word Template can be downloaded for free form the given links in Doc, PDF and JPEG formats...
Posted on 9:34 AM | Categories:

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Books Reading List

Books Reading List contains the detail of the number of books you have read or you are going to read. It contains the Book Title, Name of the Author, Genre, Notes and Date Read. There is also a check box where you can check whether you have read the book or not. This Books Reading List can be used by both Students and other Book lovers. Books Reading List Word Template can be downloaded in Doc, PDF and JPEG formats for free. The download links have been given at the end...
Posted on 7:54 AM | Categories:

Travel Itinerary with Emergency Contact List

Travel Itinerary is detailed travel plan. Here you can write down the detail of the travel plan like the Airline Itinerary and Hotel Itinerary. Also you can write down the Emergency contact information like the names of the Traveler, Passport Number, Other Identification, etc. In short it is detailed Travel Itinerary with Emergency Contact List. Free Travel Itinerary with Emergency Contact List Word Template can be downloaded in Doc, PDF and JPEG template from the links given at the end of the post...

Saturday, July 28, 2012

2012 Year Calendar

2012 Year Calendar is complete calendar for the year 2012. Here you can make events and other important notes as required. It is a flexible calendar as you can use it for the coming years also. You just need to change the starting year and everything will be changed accordingly. You can also write down about the appointments and other important stuff here. 2012 Year Calendar Word Template can be downloaded in Doc, PDF and JPEG formats for free. The download links follow the pos...
Posted on 7:37 AM | Categories:

Party Guest List

Parties and Gathering are an important part of our social lives that's why most of the time people are getting together for parties and stuff. Party Guest List helps you in managing the list of the people invited. Here you can note down the Names, Addresses, Phone Numbers, Invitation Sent and RSVP'D. It keeps a record of all the people coming to the party along with their contact information so that they could be contacted if there is some problem or change of the plan. Party Guest List Word Template can be downloaded in Doc, PDF and...
Posted on 5:24 AM | Categories:

Friday, July 27, 2012

Thank You Letter To Speaker

When you invite someone to speak at a gathering or a ceremony it is very good to send a Thank You Letter to the Speaker. This letter gives a brief summary of your views about the speaker. Generally it consists of letters of praise and well wishes. Thank You Letter To Speaker Template is a widely used template. This Thank you Letter can be molded to make suitable for any other occasion or case. Free Thank You Letter To Speaker is downloadable in Doc, PDF and JPEG formats. The download links have been given at the end of...
Posted on 8:10 AM | Categories:

Absence Request Form

Absence Request Form is generally used for getting permission for absence from work. You can call it a formal way of seeking absence permission. Here you have to write down the Absence information of the person like his Number, Name, Department, Type of Absence Requested, Duration of Absence, Reason for Absence, Signatures, etc. At the end the manager signs and gives his approval or denial of the request according to the seriousness of the problem. Free Absence Request Form Word Template can be downloaded in Doc, PDF and JPEG...
Posted on 5:02 AM | Categories:

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Change Of Address Letter To The Bank

When you have to change your home address for future correspondence from banks you have to write a Change Of Address Letter To The Bank. Most of the time when you move to a new house or you change your work place you have to submit this letter to the bank. In this way you get all the future correspondence on your new address. Change Of Address Letter To The Bank Word Template can be downloaded for free in Doc, PDF and JPEG formats. Download links have been given below...
Posted on 6:18 AM | Categories:

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Contact Address List

Contact Address List is a list of contacts containing their addresses and other relevant information. It is used generally in homes and offices as it serves as a helper for getting the information of the person when required. In offices and markets it is used more frequently as you have to talk with a lot of  people everyday. It can  keep records of your customers, their contact numbers and addresses. You can also note down their e-mail and birthdays. Free Contact Address List Excel Template can be downloaded in xls, PDF and...
Posted on 12:46 PM | Categories:

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Job Description Form

A Job Description Form is a detailed form containing the description of a job. This form tells the applicant about the details of the job. Job Description Form Word Template is a template of a Job Description Form. Here you have been given a format used generally for job descriptions. It contains the Job Title, Job Category, Job code, Information about the Contact Addresses, Requirements for the job, etc. Free Job Description Form Template is available here for download. The download links for Doc, PDF and JPEG formats...
Posted on 1:39 PM | Categories:

Monday, July 23, 2012

2013 Event Schedule Planner

The Beginning of the year is the ideal time to make a schedule of the important events of the year. It helps you in keeping a track of every coming event. 2013 Event Schedule Planner Excel Sheet is very helpful in planning the upcoming events of the year. Here you have got spaces for writing down the phases of the event, Year Calender, Starting and Ending Dates, etc. This 2013 Event Schedule Planner makes you able to plan every event ideally. This 2013 Event Schedule Planner...
Posted on 12:46 PM | Categories:

Sunday, July 22, 2012

College Student Budget

Students have to be very careful while spending their money because during this period of time most of them have not enough money to spend. That's why they need a College Student Budget to plan about the areas for spending money. Here you can make a budget for month, week or as required. College Student Budget Excel Template helps you in arranging and planning your expenses. You have also got a graph where you can see that which area is getting the most money and which area is getting the least. In this way you can see where you spend your money...
Posted on 12:09 PM | Categories:

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Yearly Cash Budget

Yearly Cash Budget helps in making the cash budget for one year. Here you can write the beginning cash balance, Cash from operations, total cash operations, Cash Balance, etc. You have to write the starting values and it will calculate the rest of the values for you. Yearly Cash Budget helps in calculating the monthly cash budget as well as the yearly cash budget. The total cash budget is also calculated at the end. Free Yearly Cash Budget Template is available to download in Excel, PDF and JPEG formats. The download links have been given...

The Report Card

The Report Card helps teacher in writing down the individual performance of each student. It basically contains a detail of the overall performance of the student in each subject. It also contains a sketch of the student's character and behavior in the class room. The Report Card Word Template is a good sample of a The Report Card. The Report Card Free download links follow the post. You can download it in .pub, PDF and JPEG formats...
Posted on 4:30 AM | Categories:

Friday, July 20, 2012

Meeting Agenda Template

Meeting Agenda means the list of items or topics that are to be discussed at a meeting. It basically contains the list of matters to be addressed. Meeting Agenda Template provides you a simple way to write the Meeting Agenda. Here you can write down the main topics to be addressed, timings, things to brought with you, additional information, etc. Free Meeting Agenda Template Download links have been provided at the end of the post. The available formats for download are doc, PDF and JPEG....
Posted on 2:07 PM | Categories:

The Grade Book

One of the most commonly used thing in a school, college or university is a Grade Book. Whether it is a class test, monthly test or semester exams you surely need a grade book to make a list of the grades of each student. The Grade Book Word Template helps teachers in calculating the student grades easily. Here you just have to write down the grades of each student in each subject and then it will automatically calculate the total grade, average, GPA, etc. The Grade Book Free Download links have been given at the end of the post....
Posted on 1:04 PM | Categories:

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Project Lessons Learned

Project Lessons Learned means that you have completed a project and now are you going to write the Project Lessons Learned Report. Project Lessons Learned Word Template helps you in making this report. The general questions and other fields have been provided here. You just need to change and modify them as required. Also you can add new question, menus, text-boxes, check-boxes, etc. Download Free Project Lessons Learned from the given links in Doc, PDF and JPEG formats. Download links are at the end of the post...
Posted on 12:39 PM | Categories:

Sales Revenue Report

To provide a Report of your Sales Revenue you need a Sales Revenue Report. This report tells you about your revenues for different items along with their method of sales. Sales Revenue Report Excel Template is a template of a Sales Revenue Report. Here you have been given a number of items and the revenues made from them. They way of sales has also been mentioned which helps you in understanding the best of sales and which way of sales the customers prefer the most. Download Sales Revenue Report Excel Template in...
Posted on 5:07 AM | Categories:

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Cash Flow Projections

To estimate about the cash flow you have to make a Projection called as Cash Flow Projections. This Cash Flow Projections Word Template helps you in estimating about the flow of money.  Here you can write down the Agreement number, Dates of Effective and Expiration, Source of Funds, Prepared by, Cumulative amount requested, Estimated amount, etc. It serves you as a template and a guide for making the real Cash Flow Projections. Cash Flow Projections Word Template is available here for download in Doc, PDF and JPEG...

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Teacher Appreciation Letter

To appreciate the effort and extra care of a teacher towards your ward you write a Teacher Appreciation Letter. This letter basically works as an applause bucking him/her up for continuing his/her efforts further. Teacher Appreciation Letter Word Template is a sample of a Teacher Appreciation Letter. Here you have been given a sample of how to write a Teacher Appreciation Letter. The format will be the same but you can add or remove things from the main body. Teacher Appreciation Letter Word Template can be downloaded...
Posted on 2:43 PM | Categories:

Monday, July 16, 2012

Monthly Family Budget Planner

A planner which is used to plan about the daily expenses of a family for a month is called as a Monthly Family Budget Planner. It is very helpful in making a detailed plan about all the expenses of a normal family. Monthly Family Budget Planner Excel Template is a very helpful planner as almost every aspect of a Family Budget is covered here. You have got planner for Housing, Transportation, Pets, Children,  Personal Care, Gifts and Donations, Legal, Taxes/Pay Deductions, Loans, Entertainment, etc. Monthly Family Budget Planner...
Posted on 1:37 PM | Categories:

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Debt Reduction Calculator

This is one of the most helpful and complete Debt Reduction Calculator. Debt Reduction Calculator Excel Template helps you in analyzing every detail of your credit accounts. You have got options for sorting and filtering according to any specific property which helps you in getting the required item without much effort. One thing ti keep in mind the Iterative calculations must be enabled and should be set to 200. This useful calculator is available to you in Excel, PDF and JPEG formats for free...

Saturday, July 14, 2012

2012 Daily Calendar

2012 Daily Calendar helps you in planning your day. It is a short and simple calendar where you can write down about your appointments and things to do for the day. You can change the timings according to the need. 2012 Daily Calendar Excel Template can be downloaded free in xls, pdf and jpeg formats. The download links have been given at the end of the post. ...
Posted on 9:32 AM | Categories:

Friday, July 13, 2012

Employee Performance Evaluation Form

Evaluating performance of an employee is one of the most important things for keeping the performance of your company or organization maintained. Employee Performance Evaluation Form Word Template helps you in evaluating the performance of your employee. It also plays an important role in keeping the morale of your employee high. Here you can rate your employee on the basis of his performance in number of aspects. At the end of the rating section you can make a general evaluation about his overall performance. Employee Performance Evaluation...
Posted on 12:47 PM | Categories:

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Teenage Driving Contract

While permitting teenagers to drive you have to make a contract with them about the dos and don'ts of driving. This contract is generally called a Teenage Driving Contract. This Teenage Driving Contract Word Template gives you a sample of how to write a Teenage Driving Contract. It consists of a series of rules and code of conducts. If the teenager violates any rule then they will be treated according to the agreed punishments. Teenage Driving Contract Word Template can be downloaded for free in doc, pdf and jpeg formats. The...

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Employee Work Schedule

To Schedule the work timings of an employee an "Employee Work Schedule Excel Template" is very helpful. Here you have to just write down the period of work done by the employee on daily basis and you will get the total hours of work done automatically. By using Employee Work Schedule you just have to fill in the "time in" and "time out" of the employee and it will calculate the total hours worked automatically. The lunch break has also been included in the schedule so you don't need to do extra effort of calculating the break timings. Employee...
Posted on 12:22 PM | Categories:

Household Budget Planner

Budget Planning is one of the most important things for keeping a track of the money and comparing the Planned and Actual Budget. Household Budget Planner Excel Template helps you in Planning the Budget of your households for a period of one month. After one month you will need a new sheet for making Household Budget for next month. Other details about using the Household Budget Planner has been discussed inside the Template. Household Budget Planner Excel Sheet is available here for free download. It can be downloaded in .xls,...
Posted on 9:52 AM | Categories:

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Letter Of Observation

Letter Of Observation is generally written to inform some employee or worker about their unsatisfactory performance. This Letter Of Observation Word Template is a format of a general Observation Letter. It basically gives you an idea of how to write a Letter Of Observation. The format given is a general format used widely but you can change it and edit it in the way you like or as required. Letter Of Observation is available for free in Doc, PDF and JPEG formats. The links to the free download have been given at the end...
Posted on 11:51 AM | Categories:

Monday, July 9, 2012

General Resignation Letter

General Resignation Letter is a resignation letter used widely for general resignation. It just contains the main message nothing more or less. It basically tells you about the format of a General Resignation Letter. You can add more info about the reason of resignation, etc. General Resignation Letter Word template can be download for free from the given links in doc, pdf and jpeg formats....
Posted on 4:12 PM | Categories:

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Graduate Student Resume

After getting graduated, students need a Graduate Student Resume for applying to jobs or to continue studies. This Resume basically contains the information about the graduated student. It contains information like Objective, Educational Information, Skills and Abilities, Experience, etc. It helps the graduate in presenting himself. It gives a sketch of the graduates's abilities and skills. Graduate Student Resume Word Template can be downloaded in doc, PDF and JPEG formats for free. The links have been given at the end of the post....
Posted on 2:16 PM | Categories: ,

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Home Maintenance Schedule

One of the most helpful tools for maintaining home is a Home Maintenance Schedule Excel Template. It helps you in your home maintenance. You can write down a detail of the items to be maintained on monthly or yearly basis. Here you have been given maintenance categories which help you in covering every aspect of your Home Maintenance. These categories include Plumbing, Interiors, Electrical and appliances, Exterior, etc. All these categories have been divided in Quarterly, Fall and Spring. Home...
Posted on 3:20 PM | Categories:

Friday, July 6, 2012

Travel Itinerary for Family

Travel Itinerary for Family is a travel planner for family. You can easily make a detailed plan about your travelings with this Travel Itinerary for Family Excel Template. You can write down from Blood groups to every other necessary items required during your traveling. In short it is a detailed Travel Itinerary for Family. You can download Travel Itinerary for Family free from the links given at the end of the post. The available formats are Doc, PDF and JPEG. ...

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Introductory Letter for New Client

For the new clients of a business an Introductory Letter for New Client is written. This letter contains a basic information about your company or organization. Introductory Letter for New Client Word Template contains a snapshot of your company and it gives the new client a summary of your workings. You can also mention the type of services provided and the type of benefits they can get from your company. It will help in a first good impression on your client. Introductory Letter for New Client Word Template can be downloaded...
Posted on 3:33 PM | Categories:

Auto Maintenance Schedule

To keep the performance of your auto maintained you need to make an Auto Maintenance Schedule. Auto Maintenance Schedule Word Template helps you in making a schedule for the maintenance of your Auto. You can make a cycle of miles for doing the maintenance. You can write down the maintenance to be made against the miles covered. It helps you in keeping a track of the performance time by time. Auto Maintenance Schedule can be downloaded for free from the links given at the end of the ...
Posted on 5:46 AM | Categories:

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Shift Schedule For Employee

Easily schedule shifts of your Employees by this Shift Schedule For Employee Excel Template. By using this Shift Schedule For Employee you can easily schedule shifts of your employees for a whole week. You can arrange the shifts in the way you like. Also you can change the shifts according to the positions of your employees. Shift Schedule For Employee is available for free download in Excel, PDF and JPEG formats. The links are at the end of the post. ...
Posted on 10:44 AM | Categories:

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Marriage Budget Planner

Marriage Budget Planner is an ideal tool to make a detailed Marriage Budget. Here almost every aspect of a Marriage is covered. You can make a detail of your estimated budget and then compare it with the real budget. You have also got bar and pie graphs which shows the variations in actual and estimated budget. Their are separate categories for each item and event of the marriage for example Apparel, Decoration, Gifts, Flowers, Music, Photography, Reception, Stationery/Printing, Transportation and Other Expenses. In short Marriage Budget Planner...
Posted on 6:01 AM | Categories:

12 Month Profit and loss Projection

A basic Profit and Loss projection is for a period of 12 months. 12 Month Profit and loss Projection Excel Template is very helpful in making a business plan also it is helpful for keeping a track of the profit and loss of your business. It calculates the Revenue, Cost of sales, Expenses, Gross Profit, Net Profit  etc. 12 Month Profit and loss Projection Excel Template can be downloaded for free in Excel, PDF and JPEG formats. The links are given at the end of the post...

Monday, July 2, 2012

Project Overview Statement

Project Overview Statement is a helpful tool for presenting the goals, benefits, milestones, estimated time period, etc of your project to the stake holder parties. Project Overview Statement Excel Template provides you an easy way to give a detail of your project to the project's responsible parties. This template has been designed for taking the approval for the budget. Project Overview Statement Excel sheet can be downloaded for free from the given links in Excel, PDF and JPEG formats...

Sunday, July 1, 2012

General Contract Agreement Word Template

General Contract Agreement is generally used to make an agreement between two parties. These contracts can of any nature, it can be of some business or property mater or some other contract. General Contract Agreement Word Template is a general contract agreement which can be used in general cases of Contract Agreement. General Contract Agreement Word Template can be downloaded free in Word, PDF and JPEG formats. The links have been given at the end of the post...

Project Forecasting Report

A very easy way to forecast about your Project is by using Project Forecasting Report. Project Forecasting Report Excel Template gives you detail information for forecasting about a project. Project Forecasting Report contains detail of the schedule and costs, Milestones, Scope, Resources, Issues, Scope changes, Risks, Comments, etc. All these things combine to make a very good Project Forecasting Report. Project Forecasting Report Excel Template can be downloaded for free in excel, pdf and jpeg formats from the links given at the end...
Posted on 12:12 PM | Categories:

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Customer letter offering discounted accommodation

Bonuses and Special Packages are always a key to boost your customer. Customer letter offering discounted accommodation Template offers your valued customers an opportunity for a special vocation package on a special discount. It helps to keep the customers happy and connected with your business. Customer letter offering discounted accommodation Word Template is available in Doc, PDF and JPEG formats. The free download links have been given at the end of the post...
Posted on 2:59 PM | Categories:

Weekly Lesson Planner

Students need something which can help them out in planning their works easily. Weekly Lesson Planner Excel Template helps students in planning their weekly lessons. It makes them able to make a good plan for their weekly lessons. Here you can write down the main subjects and topics to be covered in the week. Also you can highlight the topics or the main concepts to be covered. The planner also contains general information about the student. Weekly Lesson Planner Excel Sheet can be downloaded in Excel, PDF and JPEG formats. The download...
Posted on 2:35 PM | Categories:

Friday, June 29, 2012

Week Planner Excel Template

Week Planner is a good tool for planning about the things to do in week. Week Planner Excel Template is a very helpful template for making a plan for your week. You can write your plans for every day and every hour so you can write a detail of your week plan. Also you have got drop down menus for selecting the arrangement of week events. It is for one week but you can expand it to months and even year. Week Planner Excel Template is free to download in Excel, PDF and JPEG formats. ...
Posted on 2:27 PM | Categories:

Perpetual Inventory System control

To record the inventory status of an item you need a Perpetual Inventory System control Excel Template. Here you can write down the detail of the item like the information about the order, received information, information about the selling of item, etc. All these information will be carried to the next sheet in the same way. Perpetual Inventory System control Excel Sheet can be downloaded in Excel, PDF and JPEG formats. The download links have been given at the end of the post....

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Receipt Of Goods

Mostly when you order something from a vendor you have to make a receipt about the goods shipped to you. Receipt Of Goods Excel Template is a tool for recording the goods you received. It contains the Name of the shipping company, Number of goods shipped along with its condition, Broken goods if any, etc. This receipt of goods also help the company in making adjustments if there is some problem with the goods. In short you can write a detail about the shipped goods. Receipt Of Goods Excel template is available for free download...
Posted on 12:35 PM | Categories:

Sales Trend Analysis 2012

By analyzing the Sales trends for a year you easily get an insight in the Sales of various products for a period of two years. You can analyse about the sales for last year and for the projected sales for this year and the actual sales for current year. Sales Trend Analysis 2012 Excel Template provides you with an easy tool to analyse the trends of sales as mentioned. The manual for the template is included inside the template, so you don't need to be worried about the manual. Sales Trend Analysis 2012 Excel Template...
Posted on 12:16 PM | Categories:

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Monthly Finance Charge Invoice

Finance Charge is defined as a fee representing the cost of credit. Monthly Finance Charge Invoice Excel Template serves as an invoice.  This finance charge invoice consists of the Logo of your company, the detail of bill/fee, Description of the bill/fee, Payment terms, Contacts address, Detail of the fee, Total due, etc. Monthly Finance Charge Invoice Excel Template can be downloaded in Excel, PDF and Jpeg formats for free. The links for download have been given at the end of the post...
Posted on 2:53 PM | Categories:

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Account Statement Format

To inform the customers about the status of their account and solicit payment an Account Statement is used. Account Statement Format Excel Template contains a detail of the customers account and solicit payment. Here you have to enter all dates as labels. You can enter a charge or credit on each line available. For ensuring an accurate balance you should not skip the lines between entries. All the detail about using this Template has been given in the template. You can download it and use it for free. Account Statement Format Excel...

Break Even Analysis Template

Break Even is an Economic term used widely for referring to the point at which the cost of an object becomes equal to the profit or revenue. Break Even Analysis Template uses the variable unit costs and fixed unit costs to calculate the data and the display it as Break Even Analysis. Break Even Analysis Template is available for download in Excel, PDF and JPEG formats. The links have been given at the end of the post...
Posted on 7:45 AM | Categories:

Monday, June 25, 2012

Free Monthly Budget Expense

This Free Monthly Budget Expense Excel Template gives you a detail of the monthly budget expense. Here you can write down all the expenses for the month. Expenses have been categorized for your convenience. You can write down the detail of your Personal budget expense and also you can write down the Operating Budget expenses. Also you can compare the differences between the Budgeted and actual Expenses. Free Monthly Budget Expense Excel Template can be downloaded from the given links in Excel, Pdf and JPEG f...
Posted on 7:54 AM | Categories:

Billing Error Letter of Apology

In case of any error in the billing of a company a letter of apology is written. Billing Error Letter of Apology Word Template is a sample letter of apology. This letter tells you about the format of a letter of apology. You have to write here what was the problem with the billing and what you have did to correct it. Billing Error Letter of Apology Word Template can be downloaded in Doc, Pdf and JPEG formats for free. The links have been given at the end of the template...
Posted on 7:08 AM | Categories:

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Yearly Profit Projection

Profit Projection means to estimate and forecast about the profit for the current and coming years. It helps you in making a sharp image of the progress of your business. Yearly Profit Projection Excel Template consists of a detailed projection for four years. You can make an estimate about the Sales, Gross Profit, Operating Expenses, Net Profit before and After tax, Income taxes, etc. All these things clearly gives you an idea about the progress of your work in the years to come. Yearly Profit Projection Excel Template can be downloaded...

Financial Profitability Ratio Calculator

The financial Profitability Ratios can be calculated easily with the help of this Financial Profitability Ratio Calculator Excel Template. Here you can calculate things such as Gross profit margin, Operating profit margin, Net profit margin, Return on assets, Return on Equity, Earnings per share and the Price earning ratio. Financial Profitability Ratio Calculator can be downloaded from the given links at the end of the post. You can download it for free in excel, pdf and jpeg formats. ...

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Business Purchases Log

To keep a record of the items purchased for a business you need a Business Purchases Log. This small and precise log will help in recording the detail of the purchases made. Business Purchases Log Excel Template helps you in keeping the date of purchase, name of items, category, amount paid, payment method, PO number, etc. All these information are very helpful in keeping a safe data of the items purchased. Business Purchases Log can be downloaded for free in Excel, Pdf and JPEG formats from the links given at the end of the...
Posted on 2:06 PM | Categories:

Sample Client Billing Form

Accurate billing is one of the most important thing as far as a job is concerned. You have to bill your employee in accordance with the time he worked and the rate of work. Sample Client Billing Form Template helps you in tracking the billing hours of your employees. You can note down the detailed client information, services performed, rate of billing, work duration, etc. Sample Client Billing Form Info Template can be downloaded in .xsn and jpeg formats. The links have been given below...
Posted on 1:37 AM | Categories:

Friday, June 22, 2012

2012 Budget Summary Report

The Report which gives a detail of the Profit and Loss Summary, Balance Sheet Summary, Operating Metrics Summary and Competitive Summary is called a Budget Summary Report. This report gives you an insight in all the above mentioned terms. 2012 Budget Summary Report Excel Template is a detailed Budget summary report as it covers all the aspects of a good Summary Report. It is helpful for both Executive Managers and Finance Teams for accessing the key financials and operations for reviewing the monthly...

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Weekly Dinner Menu Planner

To keep a balanced diet you have to make a plan for the type of food to be eaten. You can make a weekly plan for dinner, lunch and breakfast. The given one is a Weekly Dinner Menu Planner. You can easily manage your diet by using this Weekly Dinner Menu Planner Excel Template. Here you can write down the Name of the Dish, Date and Day, Type of food to be taken, Ingredients used and the Recipe. It is a complete diet plan as it makes you able to plan your diet without much effort. Weekly Dinner Menu Planner can be downloaded...
Posted on 7:26 AM | Categories:

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Employee Weekly Time sheet

For keeping a record of the time an employee works, Employee Time Sheet is used. Employee Weekly Time sheet Excel Template is a sample Time sheet for keeping a record of the time of work. In addition to the working times you have also got spaces for meal breaks. It basically manages the employee's weekly time schedule. You can download this Time sheet from the given links for free. You can download it in Excel, PDF and JPEG formats....

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Weekly Appointment Planner

To cope with the busy and tiring routine and to manage your appointments you just need a Weekly Appointment Planner. It helps you in planning and managing your meetings. Weekly Appointment Planner Publisher Template is a simple and useful template. By using this simple tool you can easily manage your weekly appointments. Here you have been given spaces for writing the days and timings. You have also got space for writing a short note about the appointment and place of appointment. Weekly Appointment Planner Publisher Template...
Posted on 2:03 PM | Categories:

Monday, June 18, 2012

Temporary Position Cover letter

The application for a temporary position is always accompanied with a Temporary Position Cover letter. This letter basically contains information about yourself, how did you come to know about the job, the source of news, your aim for the job, how long you would like to serve, etc. Temporary Position Cover letter Word Template is a simple but an appropriate letter of cover. You can add additional information according to the need of the job. Temporary Position Cover letter is downloadable in Doc, PDF and JPEG formats from...

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Best Gym Workout Routine

This Workout is useful for anyone who is interested in starting a gym. It is a complete routine for both beginners and amateurs. Best Gym Workout Routine Excel Template guides you about the daily exercises starting from the first day to weeks and months. It gives you directions that what should be the ratio of exercises you take daily and how many times you have to repeat a particular exercise. It gives you a complete guideline...
Posted on 1:48 PM | Categories:

Project Based Learning Exercise

One of the best ways of learning is a project based learning. This basically involves indulging students in learning through self research.The document used for this purpose is called as a Project Based Learning Exercise. Project Based Learning Exercise Word Template gives you a good example of how to write such an exercise. Here every step and every part is given. You just need to change the headings and replace the rest of the material with your own writings. Project Based Learning Exercise can be downloaded in .doc, .pdf and...
Posted on 11:41 AM | Categories:

Friday, June 8, 2012

Full Wedding Planner

A very easy and complete way of planning a wedding is here for you. Full Wedding Planner Excel Template helps you in planning a wedding. Here you can estimate about the budgets, invitees responses, receipts of thank you cards and gifts, contact information of invitees, etc. In short this template contains every necessary things of a marriage. You can add new options and new things here. Design in your own desired way. Full Wedding Planner Excel template can be downloaded in PDF, Excel and JPEG formats for free. ...
Posted on 1:42 PM | Categories:

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Daily Lesson Plan format

Daily Lesson Plan format Word Template is widely used by School and College teachers. It is basically a planning for the week that which subjects will be studied and what will be the objectives, standards, essential questions, procedure, home work and evaluation. It help the teachers to keep an eye on the individual performance of the student and the class as a whole and by this the week points of the students in the given categories can be worked out. Also you can add more categories according to your need and choic...
Posted on 10:33 AM | Categories:

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

General Teaching Plan

Planning is necessary for getting desired results from any sort of thing. It plays a vital role in arranging events and shaping them in the desired way. General Teaching Plan Word template is very helpful for teachers for planning their teaching strategy. The given teacher plan helps you to make separate plan for each student. You can write down your observations about the student, his performance in curricular and co-curricular activities, class participation, etc. General Teaching Plan Word template...
Posted on 10:12 AM | Categories:

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Business Letter Format

Business Letters are used widely for a number of purposes. Business Letter Format Word Template gives a simple, easy and accurate way of writing a General Business Letter. Here you have been given the format of the original letter. You can follow this format and can easily write one for your company. Also each point has been explained. This thing helps you in understanding every point of the letter. You can download Business Letter Format free from the given links. It is available in Word, PDF and JPEG formats. ...
Posted on 10:52 AM | Categories:

Monday, June 4, 2012

Sales Activity Report 2012

To get an insight of the total sales you have to make a report of the sales. Sales Activity Report Excel Template helps you in writing a summary of the total sales. Here you can write down the name of the sales person, his territory, Date, Forecasted figures, Actual figures, etc. Sales Activity Report Excel template can be downloaded in Excel, PDF and JPEG formats for free. The links for download have been given at the bottom. ...
Posted on 7:29 AM | Categories:

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Application For Employment

One of the most important application forms used is the Application For Employment. It is widely used for applying to jobs, posts, services, etc. It gives a detail of the applicant in terms of his Education, Skills, Work experience, etc. It also takes the detail information about the Contact details and everything about the applicant. In short it gives a sketch of the applicant because it is designed in such a way that it covers everything about the applicant whether it is related to his past or present...

Daily Savings Template

Everyone of us wants to have a record of our expenses and savings because in this way we can easily keep an eye on our expenses and we can also save some money in this way. Daily Savings Template helps us in keeping a track of our money. Here you can are given three categories namely Not allocated, Savings balance and Obligations. The first category consists of the money which is surplus and you can spend this money in the way you like. Second category consist of your savings and the last category comprises of the obligations which you...

Team Contact List

While working in a team one of the most important thing is to remain in contact with all team members so that any new thing can be discussed easily and in-case of an emergency all the team members could be called easily. Team Contact List Template basically fulfills this requirement. It is simple contact list in which all the names of group members along with their Phone number, Cell number, Home address, Date of birth and email are written down. It looks very easy and simple but it is of great use...
Posted on 7:50 AM | Categories:

Project Timeline Template

Whenever a project is started it has got some time-frames and it has to be completed in the given time-frame. That's why Project Timeline Template is used. It basically calculates the total time span of the project and distributes it in months and days. It is a sort of Burn down chart in which the amount of work in terms of months is given. Here we have distributed the project in different phases and each phase has got a specific timeline. This timeline basically restricts the phases within the timeline in this way the project...

Super Ad matrix

Super Ad matrix Template is an ideal tool for checking the popularity of an ad. Here you are given a series of spaces where you can write about the ad campaign, attention grabbing, entertaining, brand promotion and brand recall. You can even add more categories according to your requirement. This is an easy way of checking the popularity and success of an ad in the general public. Also you can add categories like feedback and so on. Super Ad matrix Excel Template is available for download in excel, pdf and jpeg formats for free. The download links...
Posted on 7:45 AM | Categories:

Weekly Calendar Template

Here is another Template for planning about your Weekly routine. Here you can write down what you are going to do this week. You can also use it as a diary, you can write down important events of each day on the given date. It is a simple and easy to use calendar , you can use Monthly Calendar Template in the way you like either for the purpose of looking into your expenses or to write important events it is helpful in both ways. Weekly Calendar Word Template can be downloaded for free from the given links...
Posted on 7:44 AM | Categories:

Simple Budget Planner Template

Simple Budget Planner Template is one of the most useful tools for estimating and planning about the yearly or monthly budget. This template uses simple math operations and calculates the required result. You can also add or remove things from here according to your requirement. Here you just have to give your total budget and the percentages for each category and it will give you the required result. All the things are predefined so its really easy for the user to use this tool. Also it can be used for estimating about small business budgets...
Posted on 7:42 AM | Categories:

Monday, May 28, 2012

PA Report Cover Sheet

Cover Sheet is a paper which is used as the first page of any important file. PA Report Cover Sheet is used widely as the first page of a PA Report. Here you have to write the title of the document, name and other contact information. It is simple and easy to use. PA Report Cover Sheet Word Template can be downloaded in PDF, Excel and JPEG formats for free. The Download links have been given at the end. ...

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Travel Expense Report

Official Travels are generally accompanied by a Travel Expense Report. Travel Expense Report Excel Sheet contain the full detail of the travel expense. It consist of fields like Purpose of Travel, Statement Number, Pay Period, Employee Information, Detail of the expenses, etc. All these information helps in getting an exact summary of the travel. Travel Expense Report can be downloaded in Excel, Pdf and JPEG formats from the given links. ...
Posted on 11:04 AM | Categories:

Friday, May 25, 2012

Profit and Loss Statement

To keep an eye on the money and the changes of money you have to write a Profit and Loss Statement. Profit and Loss Statement Excel Sheet basically makes you able to create a comprehensive Profit and Loss Statement. It calculates the percentage from from the prior period and budget. You can download it in PDF, Excel and JPEG formats for free. The links have been given at the end....

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Teacher Self Assessment Form

Teacher Self Assessment Form Word Template is detailed teacher self assessment form. Here you have been given every minor part of a self assessment form with example. This is helpful in the sense that you can get an idea about each part of it. You can edit it in the desired way. The presence of examples makes your task very easy. Teacher Self Assessment Form is available for download in Doc, PDF and Jpeg formats for free. The links have been given at the end. ...
Posted on 8:18 AM | Categories:

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Economic Value Added calculation

EVA or Economic Value Added Calculation is an estimate of a firm or company's economic profit. Economic Value Added calculation Excel Template basically calculates the profit earned by the company or the firm. The amount of profit can be calculated by making adjustments to the accounting information. Here you just have to write down the figures and you will get the EVA calculated. The given preview is of the first page of the original document which contains two pages. Everything has been done for you, you just need to adjust the values...

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Daily Production Report

To keep an eye on the daily progress of work you have to make a Daily Production Report. Daily Production Report Excel Template helps you in making a summary of all the work done or production made in a day. It helps you in determining the speed of progress, hurdles faced, need of extra work, daily achievements, etc. Daily Production Report Excel Sheet can be downloaded from the given links in Excel, PDF and JPEG formats for free....
Posted on 7:13 AM | Categories:

Friday, May 18, 2012

Cash Flow Statement

A sort of financial statement concerned with the inflow and outflow of cash in a business is called as a Cash Flow Statement. Cash Flow Statement Excel Template gives you detail of the cash inflow and outflow for all the months of a year. You just need to write down the Net income, Accounts payable, Inventory, etc for cash inflow category and Accounts Receivable, Short term debt, Long term debt, Prepaid Expenses, Accrued Expenses, Income tax payable, Depreciation, etc for cash outflow. The net total...

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Business Trip Planner

Business Trips are an important part of business dealings. These trips are basically arranged for some meeting, seminar, conference, etc. Business Trip Planner Word Template helps you in managing a Business Trip. It has got all the important things to be kept in mind. It helps you in making a full plan of every major and minor things of the trip. Business Trip Planner can be downloaded in PDF, DOC and JPEG formats. The links have been given at the bottom. ...
Posted on 6:37 AM | Categories:

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Preservation Letter

While submitting some thing or data of importance or worth you have to make a Preservation Letter. It serves as a legal way of seeking protection for some sensitive data or thing. Preservation Letter Word Template gives you an ideal way of writing a Preservation Letter. Here you have been provided with a sample letter. It will give you an idea how can you write your own one or you can even edit it in the desired way and use it. Preservation Letter Word Template can be downloaded in PDF, JPEG and DOC formats for free...
Posted on 2:17 PM | Categories:

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Job Description Project Manager

One of the most important things for publicizing a job is a Job Description. Job Description Project Manager Word Template gives you a detailed and appropriate job description for the post of a Project Manger. Here you can give every minor detail of the job. You have got separate spaces for the job description. You can give the job description in points which helps in covering every detail and requirement of the job. This template can be download in Doc, PDF and JPEG formats for free form the links given at the end of the preview image....

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Online Flexible Invoice

Invoices are used widely and they differ in the way they are used. Online Flexible Invoice Excel Template is an Online Invoice. It is special in the sense that you can add or remove the rows here like sales price, shipping, handling, discount, etc. In short it is flexible in every term. This helps you in making it exactly the one you are thinking of. It has got dual feature as it can also be used as an invoice saver. You can keep a record of invoices here and can be used any time. Online Flexible Invoice Excel Template can be downloaded...
Posted on 7:50 AM | Categories:

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Painting Proposal

Painting Proposal Word Template is designed to help you in making a proposal. Here you can write down the details of the proposal like the Name of the person to whom proposal is to be submitted, Name of the Job, Contact information, Specifications and Estimates, Expenses, Undertaking, etc. Painting Proposal Word, PDF and JPEG formats for free....
Posted on 3:52 PM | Categories:

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Participant Sponsorship Form

The participants in any event need to be sponsored. For getting some sponsorship you need Participant Sponsorship Form Word Template. It helps you in writing all the detail of the participants. This sponsorship form can be used for any sort of events whether it is a sports event, exhibition, competition, etc. Participant Sponsorship Form Word Template can be downloaded in Word, PDF and JPEG formats for free...
Posted on 3:25 PM | Categories:

Accounts Expense Report

Expenses of anything related to your account has to be kept in record and all these expenses must be in a simplified form so that it could be used easily. Accounts Expense Report Excel Template is specially designed to make a summary of your expenses related to your account and produce it in the form of a Report. Here you can write down a general summary of the expenses of you account. Accounts Expense Report Excel Template is free to download in Excel. JPEG and PDF formats...
Posted on 3:05 PM | Categories:

Bank Deposit Receipt

To manage the deposits made in a bank you need a Bank Deposit Receipt. Bank Deposit Receipt Excel Template helps you in keeping a detail of the deposits made. It contains a detail of every information related to your account and it helps in keeping a record of every money you deposit. Bank Deposit Receipt Excel Template can be downloaded in Excel, JPEG and PDF formats for free...
Posted on 3:02 PM | Categories:

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Network Documentation

Network Documentation Word Template is helpful in documenting the devices and settings which are used in small businesses. This template was basically developed for reducing the paper and time needed to find the related information. Network Documentation Word Template can be downloaded in Word, PDF and JPEG Formats for free...
Posted on 3:03 PM | Categories:

Standard Change Request Form

A form used to manage and track the changes in a project is called as a Standard Change Request Form. Standard Change Request Form Word Template can be used to manage a change in your project. It can be used to easily manage the changes. You are provided with a number of categories and these categories are helpful in the type of content they contain. Standard Change Request Form Word Template can be downloaded in PDF, JPEG and Word formats for free...
Posted on 2:26 PM | Categories:

Bank Loan Request Letter

Bank Loan Request Letter Word Template can be called as a guideline and a sample of a Loan Request Letter Of Bank. Here you have been given a sample of how to write a Bank Loan Request Letter. Everything has been given here and every point regarding the letter has been discussed. Bank Loan Request Letter is available for download in Word, PDF and JPEG formats for free...
Posted on 2:05 PM | Categories:

Goal Planning Form

Companies have to set goals for their future plans. Goal Planning Form Template helps you in setting goals for your company. Here you can write down the Employee name, Instructions and the Number of Goals to be achieved. It helps you in setting footsteps for the progress of your company. Goal Planning Form Word Template can be downloaded in PDF, JPEG and Word Format for free...
Posted on 1:47 PM | Categories:

Monday, April 23, 2012

Credit Application for Business

A request application which is used for an extension of credit is called as a General Credit Application. Credit Application for Business Template contains all the required information relating to the costs of the credit and all other expenses included. It provides the amount and type of credit requested by the company. Information has been categorized for ease. It contains categories like Business Contact Information, Business And Credit Information, Business/ Trade References, Agreement and Signatures. General Membership...

General Membership Application

General Membership Application is used for getting membership in any sort of a club. It contains all the information required for a getting the membership of a club. The information has been categorized according to its type like Applicant Information, Employment Information, Emergency Contact, Spouse Information in joint membership, Spouse Employment Information, References, Signatures, etc. It can downloaded from here in Jpeg, PDF and Word formats for free...

Sunday, April 22, 2012

General Deposit Form

Depositing some checks or cash is not a big deal but when it counts to hundreds and thousand you need a General Deposit Form Excel Sheet. It is used to account for up to 20 check and cash domination up to a hundred dollars. It has been programmed to tally your deposits as you enter them so you don't need to be worried about any sort of errors. General Deposit Form Excel Template can be downloaded in Excel, PDF and JPEG formats for free...
Posted on 2:36 PM | Categories:

Real Estate Client Info

Real Estate jobs have to be dealt with great care and security. While doing some business you must take a detail of the client. It will help you in keeping a record of them and will prove helpful in time of need. Real Estate Publisher Template is a detailed form for keeping the information of clients. Here you can note down all the information about the client like his contact info, needs and wants, financing, etc. Real Estate Client Info can be downloaded in Publisher, PDF and JPEG formats for free...
Posted on 2:25 PM | Categories:

General Employment Application

Employment can be called as a blessing as it provides you for all your expenses. Most of the time people apply for a job or post but do not provide the full detail about their abilities and themselves and ultimately their application gets rejected. General Employment Application Word Template is an Employment Form that can be used generally for most of the blanks posts. It consist of the basic requirements which a general post requires like the Application Information, Educational History, References, Previous Employment Record, Disclaimer...

Personal Goal Setting

For getting success in any field of life you have to move with a vision and goal in front of you. Career is the most important part of anyone's life so you have to set a goal for it. Personal Goal Setting Word Template helps in setting a Future Goal of your career. Here you can note down the most important things you want to do in life. This paper will remind you of you goals. You can also use it as a Daily Goal Setting Template also. Personal Goal Setting Word Template can be downloaded in Word, PDF and JPEG formats for fre...
Posted on 1:56 PM | Categories:

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Business Risk Assessment Questionnaire

Surveys plays an important role in knowing the risks of a product or idea yet to be launched. Business Risk Assessment Questionnaire Word Template is questionnaire consisting of a number of important questions which are related to the expected business risks. Also you have been provided with a number of categories consisting of Risk Assessment, General Sales Opportunity Information, Revenue Potential, Risks, Customers Risks, Ratings, etc. All these things helps in making a detailed assessment. Business Risk Assessment...
Posted on 12:07 PM | Categories:

Homeschooling Progress Tracker

Homeschooling is not a new things it has been in trend for a long time. To make this type of schooling more successful a number of things have to be ensured like the track of the curriculum progress. Homeschooling Progress Tracker Word Template is a very good Progress Tracker as you can write down the detail of every subject with the progress made so far. Here you have been given space for nine subjects. You can use it as a result sheet also because it also contains the detail of the grades of every subject. In short it is an ideal tool to keep...
Posted on 11:43 AM | Categories:

Parents Travel Permission Form

Under-age students have to take a special permission from their parents prior to travel. This travel permission or authorization has to be filled in a form named as Parents Travel Permission Form. Parents Travel Permission Form Word Template is used generally for getting the parent's permission for the ward. Here parents have to answer a number of questions regarding the child's permission to travel. It can also be called as an undertaking because you sign at the end of the form and hence make a legal authorization. Parents...
Posted on 11:38 AM | Categories:

Project Initiation Plan

Before starting a project you have to make a detailed plan of the project according to the requirements, this plan is called as a Project Initiation Plan. Project Initiation Plan Word Template can be called as an ideal Project Initiation Plan because you have been given detailed sample of writing a Project Initiation Plan. Here you have been given a number of categories and detail of every category is also included in it. You just need to have look, keep the useful things and remove the unnecessary stuff. You can also modify it...
Posted on 11:30 AM | Categories:

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Supply Performance Monitoring

Monitoring the supplies is always a matter of great concern that's how a Supply Performance Monitoring Excel Sheet helps you. You can keep a detail of all the information concerning the Supply Performance here. Here a number of questions have been given and you can answer them accordingly. It helps you in getting the real image of the performance of the supply. Supply Performance Monitoring is available here for download in Excel, JPEG and PDF formats for fre...
Posted on 3:00 PM | Categories:

Meeting Sign-in Sheet

Nobody can deny the importance of meetings because it plays a vital role in discussing the progress of anything. An important thing about meetings is to ensure the presence of all the invited persons. Meeting Sign-in Sheet Excel Template helps you out in marking the persons who are present in the meeting. You can also note down the absent persons and also you can write down the reason for their absence. You can write the Name, Title, Company, Phone, Fax and E-mail of the invited persons. Meeting Sign-in Sheet can be downloaded in Excel,...

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Confirmation Letter Of Agreement

Confirmation Letter Of Agreement Word Template is a letter used for confirming about an agreement between two parties. Here you can write down the detail of the agreement and important points of the agreement. You can even quote points from the main body the agreement letter. Confirmation Letter Of Agreement  can be downloaded from the given links for free in Word, PDF and JPEG formats...
Posted on 2:09 PM | Categories:

Monday, April 16, 2012

Decree Of Divorce

Divorce is one of the worst faces of a family life but if situation gets worse it is the only solution. Decree Of Divorce Word Template is an official order that has got force of law and can be used for court divorce. You can fill out the provided blanks with the relevant information. Everything has been given to you so you just need to fill out the blanks. Decree Of Divorce can be downloaded in Word, PDF and JPEG formats for fre...
Posted on 2:33 PM | Categories:

General Affidavit

Affidavit is a written statement that is confirmed by an oath or affirmation and is used as a source of proof or evidence. General Affidavit Word Template is a widely used affidavit template. It can be used normally in any situation. You just need to fill the given blanks and your affidavit will be ready. General Affidavit Word Template can be downloaded in Word, PDF and JPEG formats for fre...
Posted on 2:14 PM | Categories:

Temporary Guardianship Authorization Form

Temporary Guardianship Authorization Form Word Template can be used as an authorization for Temporary Guardianship. It is basically for minors. You need to provide all the information of the child. You have to give the full medical history of the child, Information about this parents, Information of the temporary guardians, Emergency Contacts, Oaths form Both Real and Temporary Parents followed by their signature. It can be downloaded from the given links. Available formats are Word, PDF and JPEG. You can download it for free...
Posted on 2:06 PM | Categories: